Friday, March 16, 2012

March 19-23

Straight A recognition for 5th grade--2nd trimester!!!
Congrats to ALL of our hard workers, straight A's or Not!!

Important Dates:

Tuesday, March 20-No School--Happy Spring!!!
SPIRIT DAY-Fri. March 23-Wear favorite vacation destination t-shirt!
Friday, March 23-Naper Settlement Field Trip

Monday, March 26-Spring Break begins
Monday, April 2-Classes resume
Friday, April 6-No School

Next week in fifth grade we will: 
Field Trip:  We will go to Naperville Settlement on Friday, March 23rd.  Please remember to dress appropriately for the weather.  We will be outside walking, most of the time.  Remember to send a sack lunch too.

Thanks to our chaperones for attending:  Mrs. Spicuzza, Mrs. Metherd and Mrs. Rollins

Math-Chapter 12 -Fractions
Next week:
L. 1-Understanding fractions
L. 2-Equivalent fractions
L. 3-Simplest form
L. 4-Improper fractions
L. 5-Compare and Order fractions
No math on Friday, due to Naper Settlement field trip.

Spelling:Lesson 25
Lesson 25 will be pretested on Monday. 
Only scores of 100% will be put into the challenge group for trimester 3!
Work due on Thursday!
Test will be on Friday!

We will be writing on China and we will be doing some more expository writing!

Chapter 12-Oceans
We will start this chapter after spring break!

Social Studies-Chapter 9----TEST -Thursday, March 22nd!

All books came home this weekend to use for studying :)
*Winning the Revolution
1776-The Declaration of Independence
1778-Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey
1781-Yorktown, VA-The British Surrender to the Americas

ni hao

"Hi," from China!!!

We will be "traveling" to China for the next few weeks!
In reading, we will be reviewing our reading strategies and skills with non-fiction readings of CHINA!!!

If you or your family have anything to share, please let me know!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 12-16

Our scientists at Argonne!
Vitamin C-Lab

 Above is the microscope lab and below is lunch with the scientists!!!

Monday, March 12th
Reading Session #3: 9:00-10:15 AM (In homerooms)

Kane County Cougars-Ozzie's Reading Club-Optional
All bases due!!!

Important Dates:

Friday, March 9-No School
SPIRIT DAY-Fri., March 16th-Hat Day!
Tuesday, March 20-No School--Happy Spring!!!
SPIRIT DAY-Fri. March 22-Wear favorite vacation destination t-shirt!
Friday, March 22-Naper Settlement Field Trip
Monday, March 26-Spring Break begins
Monday, April 2-Classes resume
Friday, April 6-No School

Next week in fifth grade we will: 

Math-Chapter 12 -Fractions
Next week:
No math on Monday!
Tues-L. 1-Understanding fractions
Wed.-L. 2-Equivalent fractions
Thurs.-L. 3-Simplest form
Quiz on Lessons 1-3 will be on Friday, 12/16!!! 

Spelling:Lesson 24
Lesson 24 will be pretested on Monday. 
Only scores of 100% will be put into the challenge group for trimester 3!
Work due on Thursday!
Test will be on Friday!

English-Adjectives-Unit 4
We will have a test on adjectives, Friday.  Please review:
*what an adjective is
*articles and demonstratives
*comparing adjectives (low, lower, lowest, most complicated, more complicated)
*comparing good and bad (bad, worse, worst, good, better, best)
*proper adjectives (China-Chinese, Poland-Polish)
*proofreading skills with adjectives
The test will be on Fri. 3/16!!

Chapter 11-Weather
In this chapter we will learn about:
*Lesson 1-What Causes Weather?
*Lesson 2-What Conditions Affect the Water Cycle?
*Lesson 3-How Can Patterns in Weather Be Observed?
TEST on Ch. 11 will be on Tues., March 13th!

Social Studies-Chapter 9
*Winning the Revolution
1776-The Declaration of Independence
1778-Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey
1781-Yorktown, VA-The British Surrender to the Americas

Have you discussed with your child how their novel is coming along?  Have you asked them for a summary of what they have read so far? 
How are those writing assignments for the novels coming along?  Ask them if you can see the grade sheet for the papers.  Discuss the scores they have earned so far.
Each night they  have a written task to do with the chapters that they read.
Ask your child if you can see their schedule of reading and their roles for the day that they read. 
Roles include: Passage Picker, Illustrious Illustrator, Discussion Director,  Word Wizard, and Summary Statesman.

Please ask your child which book they are reading:
George Washington Socks
Toliver's Secret
A Lion to Guard Us
Guns for General Washington)
We will be finishing these novels by Friday, 3/16!!!

More pics of Argonne field trip!!!

Microscope Lab!

Friday, March 2, 2012

March 5-9

Today was our Last Day of TGFD's with Deputy Seward.  Thank you for you time and information.  See you at graduation!!!

Next week we are taking ISAT tests.  I am sending you the schedule so you know in advance the testing times.  Please make sure your student is here on time.  This is a test with an allotted time.
A good night's rest and a healthy breakfast help students perform better too!
If anyone would like to send in a healthy snack for the class during any of these days, that would be fine. (fruit snacks, yo-gurts, string cheese, water, mint gum (while testing), etc....
Tuesday, March 6th
Math Session #1: 8:15-9:30 AM (Switch to Math classrooms)
*15 minute snack break in homeroom*
Reading Session #1: 9:45-11:00 AM (In homerooms)

Wednesday, March 7th
Math Session #2: 8:15-9:30 AM (Switch to Math classrooms)
*15 minute snack break in homeroom*
Reading Session #2: 9:45-11:00 AM (In homerooms)

Thursday, March 8th
Math Session #3: 9:00-10:15 AM (Switch to Math classrooms)

Monday, March 12th
Reading Session #3: 9:00-10:15 AM (In homerooms)

Kane County Cougars-Ozzie's Reading Club-Optional
Third base to this optional reading program is Feb 25th!
Fourth base is due March 10th!
Don't forget a parent signature!

Important Dates:

Friday, March 2nd-End of 3rd Trimester
Monday, March 5th-No School
Week of March 5th -ISAT's BEGIN :)
Friday, March 22nd-Naper Settlement Field Trip
Monday, March 26th-Spring Break begins

Next week in fifth grade we will: 

Math-Chapter 12 -Fractions
No math next week!

No Spelling next week!

English-Adjectives-Unit 4
Ask your child what an adjective is? 
What is an article and how is it used in a sentence?

Chapter 11-Weather
In this chapter we will learn about:
*Lesson 1-What Causes Weather?
*Lesson 2-What Conditions Affect the Water Cycle?
*Lesson 3-How Can Patterns in Weather Be Observed?

Social Studies-Chapter 9
*Winning the Revolution
1776-The Declaration of Independence
1778-Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey
1781-Yorktown, VA-The British Surrender to the Americas

We will be doing literature circles for the next few weeks. There will be four different groups and they will be having lively discussions about their books. 

Each night they will have a written task to do with the chapters that they read.
Ask your child if you can see their schedule of reading and their roles for the day that they read.  Roles include: Passage Picker, Ilustrious Illustrator, Discussion Director,  Word Wizard, and Summary Statesman.

Please ask your child which book they are reading:
George Washington Socks
Toliver's Secret
A Lion to Guard Us
Guns for General Washington)

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...