Friday, November 30, 2012

December 3-7

Girls at the Robert Crown Field Trip!

Ask your child about our visitor, "Greenie" today!
What lesson did your child learn from this activity???

What is coming up?

Mon., 12/17-2nd Qrt. Book Project comic or commercial is due today!
Tues., 12/18-2nd Qrt. Book Project Presentations!
Wed., 12/19-Bowling field trip in the A.M.
Fri., 12/21-Tivoli Theater-movie field trip---Polar Express

Good Basket donations----Thanks to ____________ for donating this week. (items or monetary donations excepted)

Coming up this week:

Spelling: Lesson 12
Thursday-Homework due
Friday- Test

English: Chapter 5-Writing (6 traits) 
We will be studying:

Reading: Novels---Character Traits, Summarizing, Drawing Conclusions
We will be starting novels, after reviewing the above skills.  Some students will be startingThe Kid in the Red Jacket and some will be reading Touching Spirit Bear.  You will see some "X"s in the "gradebook" computer and that will just mean that your child's grade isn't in the book category.  Each book group will get their own grades.

Social Studies: Chapter 5-"The Struggle to Found Colonies"
We will learn about :
Lesson 1-"Hard Times in Virginia"-Jamestown and how colonies survived
Lesson 2-"New European Colonies"-Searching for the Northwest Passage
Lesson 3-"The First Colonies"-New England Colonies
Lesson 4-"The 13 Colonies"-William Penn and Roger Williams
Chapter 5 Test on Tuesday, December 4th!

Science: Chapter 6-"Ecosystems and Change"
We will learn:
Lesson 1-How Do Organisms Compete and Survive in an Ecosystem?
Lesson 2:How Do Ecosystems Change Over Time?
Lesson 3:How Do People Affect Ecosystems?

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 23-Perimeter and Circumference
We will :
This is a short chapter. We covered it this week.  We talked about perimeter this week and next week we will cover circumference. 
The chapter 23 test will be on Tuesday, December 4th!

Friday, November 16, 2012

November 19-23

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Thanksgiving Feasting

When the Halloween pumpkins are gone,
And the leaves have all fallen to ground,
When the air has turned windy and cold,
Then Thanksgiving will soon be around.
Thoughts of loved ones all feasting together,
Pleasant pictures from past times appear
To dwell in each heart and each mind--
Then Thanksgiving is finally here,
The kitchen has scrumptious aromas,
The dining room looks oh, so fine,
Decorations with pilgrims and turkeys,
And now we are ready to dine!
First the napkins are placed on our laps;
Now the prayer for the meal to be blessed,
Then we stuff the good food in our tummies,
And we hope for it all to digest!

Enjoy our turkey in disguise art work and some owl

pellet dissection!

Tues., 11/20-Robert Crown Field Trip-9:00-11:00.  Bring a SACK LUNCH for today!
Wed., Thurs., Fri., 11/21-11/23-Thanksgiving Break! No School, Gobble, Gobble!
Mon., 11/26-2nd Qrt. Book Project book should be finished by today!
Wed., 11/28-"Rockin' Science" Assembly 9:00
Fri., 11/30-One Page TYPED summary of your book is due!
Mon., 12/17-2nd Qrt. Book Project comic or commercial is due today!
Tues., 12/18-2nd Qrt. Book Project Presentations!

Good Basket donations----Thanks to ____________ for donating this week. (items or monetary donations excepted)

Coming up this week:
Spelling: Lesson 11 the week after Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 26th-Pretest
Thursday, November 29-Homework due
Friday, November 30-Lesson 11 Test

English: Chapter 5-Writing (6 traits) and Nouns
We will be studying:
Writing next week and then onto nouns!

Reading: Novels---Character Traits, Summarizing, Drawing Conclusions
We will be starting novels, after reviewing the above skills.  Some students will be startingThe Kid in the Red Jacket and some will be reading Touching Spirit Bear.  You will see some "X"s in the "gradebook" computer and that will just mean that your child's grade isn't in the book category.  Each book group will get their own grades.

Social Studies: Chapter 5-"The Struggle to Found Colonies"
We will learn about :
Lesson 1-"Hard Times in Virginia"-Jamestown and how colonies survived
Lesson 2-"New European Colonies"-Searching for the Northwest Passage
Lesson 3-"The First Colonies"-New England Colonies
Lesson 4-"The 13 Colonies"-William Penn and Roger Williams

Science: Chapter 6-"Ecosystems and Change"
We will learn:
Lesson 1-How Do Organisms Compete and Survive in an Ecosystem?
Lesson 2:How Do Ecosystems Change Over Time?
Lesson 3:How Do People Affect Ecosystems?

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Unit on Data
We will :
Learn about mean, median, mode and range.
Test will be on Tuesday, November 20th!

Friday, November 9, 2012

November 12-16

Mon., 11/12-Happy Veteran's Day-No School!
Tues., 11/20-Robert Crown Field Trip-9:00-11:00
Wed., Thurs., Fri., 11/21-11/23-Thanksgiving Break! No School, Gobble, Gobble!
Mon., 11/26-2nd Qrt. Book Project book should be finished by today!
Wed., 11/28-"Rockin' Science" Assembly 9:00
Fri., 11/30-One Page TYPED summary of your book is due!
Mon., 12/17-2nd Qrt. Book Project comic or commercial is due today!
Tues., 12/18-2nd Qrt. Book Project Presentations!

Good Basket donations----Thanks to ____________ for donating this week. (items or monetary donations excepted)
Coming up this week:

Spelling: Lesson 10
Tuesday-Pretest and work assigned
Thursday-Homework due

English: Chapter 5-"Capitalization and Punctuation"
We will be studying:
*Correct Sentences
*Proper Nouns and Adjectives
*Commas in a Series
Unit 5 Test is rescheduled for Friday, November 16th!

Reading: Novels---Character Traits, Summarizing, Drawing Conclusions
We will be starting novels, after reviewing the above skills.  Some students will be starting The Kid in the Red Jacket and some will be reading Touching Spirit Bear.  You will see some "X"s in the "gradebook" computer and that will just mean that your child's grade isn't in the book category.  Each book group will get their own grades.

Social Studies: Chapter 5-"The Struggle to Found Colonies"
We will learn about :
Lesson 1-"Hard Times in Virginia"-Jamestown and how colonies survived
Lesson 2-"New European Colonies"-Searching for the Northwest Passage
Lesson 3-"The First Colonies"-New England Colonies
Lesson 4-"The 13 Colonies"-William Penn and Roger Williams

Science: Owls
Ask your child how the owl pellet dissection went today!!! (Friday)

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 6-Decimals
We will :
Lesson 1-Round Decimals
Lesson 2:  Add and Subtract Decimals
Lesson 3:  Estimate Sums and Differences
Lesson 4:  Choose a Method
Lesson 5:  Estimate or Find the Exact Answer

Test will be on Tuesday, November 13th!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Nov. 5-9

Thanks to all the parents who helped in anyway for the Halloween Party!
Enjoy the pics!

Give us YOUR recycled paper---
Did you know that you can help our district earn money by recycling paper here at school?  You can bring in any paper (no cardboard please) to the green and yellow bin marked Paper Retriever located in Lakeview's parking lot to be recycled.  The more paper we collect, the more money we can earn.  The provider of the bin uses the paper to make newsprint, which is then sold to other companies.  That is how we are paid to recycle paper.  Than you for your help (and for helping the environment at the same time!)

The Late Policy for 2nd Quarter =
1 day late - minus 15 %
                                                More than 1 day late until unit test is taken - minus 25%
                                                After unit test is taken - a zero in the grade book

Mon., 11/5-Parent/Teacher Conferences-No School!
Tues., 11/6-Teacher's Work Day-No School!
Fri., 11/9-2nd Qrt. Book Project, front sheet due!
Mon., 11/12-Happy Veteran's Day-No School!
Tues., 11/20-Robert Crown Field Trip-9:00-11:00
Wed., Thurs., Fri., 11/21-11/23-Thanksgiving Break! No School, Gobble, Gobble!
Mon., 11/26-2nd Qrt. Book Project book should be finished by today!
Wed., 11/28-"Rockin' Science" Assembly 9:00
Fri., 11/30-One Page TYPED summary of your book is due!
Mon., 12/17-2nd Qrt. Book Project comic or commercial is due today!
Tues., 12/18-2nd Qrt. Book Project Presentations!

Good Basket donations----Thanks to ____________ for donating this week. (items or monetary donations excepted)
Coming up this week:

No Spelling next week!

English: Chapter 5-"Capitalization and Punctuation"
We will be studying:
*Correct Sentences
*Proper Nouns and Adjectives
*Commas in a Series
Unit 5 Test is rescheduled for Wednesday, November 14th!

Reading: Drawing Conclusions
We will finish drawing conclusions next week.

We will also do some mini-lessons on analogies.

Social Studies: Chapter 5-"The Struggle to Found Colonies"
We will learn about :
Lesson 1-"Hard Times in Virginia"-Jamestown and how colonies survived
Lesson 2-"New European Colonies"-Searching for the Northwest Passage
Lesson 3-"The First Colonies"-New England Colonies
Lesson 4-"The 13 Colonies"-William Penn and Roger Williams

Science: Owls
What are barn owls?  What are owl pellets?  We have started a mini-unit on owls and owl pellets.  We will dissect owl pellets next week.  What fun!!!

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 6-Decimals
We will :
Lesson 1-Round Decimals
Lesson 2:  Add and Subtract Decimals
Lesson 3:  Estimate Sums and Differences
Lesson 4:  Choose a Method
Lesson 5:  Estimate or Find the Exact Answer

Test will most likely be on Tuesday, November 13th!

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...