Friday, February 27, 2015

March 2-6, 2015 Time for Testing :)

We start testing next week:

Test-Taking Tips for Elementary Students Tests are important because they help the teacher evaluate a student’s needs and progress, the student gauge his or her own level of mastery, and the parent monitor his or her child’s progress. 

Tips to give your child about taking tests: ƒ 

Relax. Just do the best you can. ƒ

 Your first choice is usually correct. 

Don't change an answer unless you have a good reason to do so. ƒ 

Be aware of key words such as "all," "now," "always," "never," "only," "exactly." ƒ

 In multiple-choice questions, don’t skip the longest answer. 

It should be considered, since test writers want to be sure the correct answer is accurate—they may add lots of details to insure accuracy. ƒ 

Watch for negative words like "not," "no," "never." ƒ 

Look for information in some of the questions. This information may help you answer other questions. 

You can assist your child prepare for testing by doing the following: ƒ 

Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep before a test, and make sure your child eats properly the day of a test. ƒ 

Maintain a pleasant home environment and avoid unnecessary conflicts. 

Try to make the morning of the test a pleasant one. 

Do not add to your child’s stress. ƒ 

Make sure your child has taken any needed medication. ƒ


Ensure that your child is present during testing (children generally perform better when taking tests in their groups rather than at a make-up time). 


Get your child to school on time the day of the test. ƒ 

Wish your child good luck each morning of the test. 

Tell your child that he/she is special and that you believe in him/her! ƒ

 Remind your child the test is important. Encourage him/her to do his/her best. ƒ 

If your child is too ill to attend, please call the school office. ƒ

 If the test is on a subject for which you can review (such as a spelling test), help your child go over the material. ƒ

 Remind your child to listen carefully to the instructions from the teacher and to read the directions and each question carefully. ƒ 

Explain to your child the importance of using time wisely.

 If your child gets stuck on a question, encourage him or her to make the best guess and move on. ƒ 

Tell your child to attempt to answer all of the questions and not to leave any blank. ƒ 

Encourage your child to stay focused on the test, even if other students finish early. 

ƒ If your child is disappointed after taking a test, reassure him or her that there will be plenty of opportunities to improve and succeed. 

Preparing Your Child for the Common Core PARCC Test

What Is the PARCC Test?

The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is a set of tests covering math and English.
Since this test is so new there's little in the way of sample or practice tests available.

Sample Tests

They'll give you and your child an idea of how PARCC test questions are structured. 
These are a few sample tests you can use. The Pearson test has both a print and online option.

Online Resources and are two great test preparation websites. 
IXL provides lists of topics that are part of common core math at and Language Arts at

At PARCC Games, our top priority is your student’s success. As teachers ourselves, we understand that your time is limited. That’s why we do the searching and testing for you! All games and sites linked from our site have been found to support Common Core standards for Math and Language Arts. On our Teachers Page, you will find the standard linked to each game.


PARCC vocabulary:

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Feb. 23-27, 2015

More Book Projects!!!

In class this week students worked on a music assignment in Google classroom called incredibox. It is due this upcoming Tuesday

ELA-Spelling: Lesson 24 in the spelling book
ELA-Language Arts-Verbs next

ELA-Nature's Fury
We have been introduced to our essential questions for this unit.  
*How can a force of nature that is so far away affect me?
*How can force of nature be both destructive and constructive at the same time?
*What are forces of nature?

Social Studies: Chapter 7 is next!!!

Science: Ch. 15-Weather
Ask the students what they learned in our intro. video on weather.

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 3-Division

Lesson 1-Relate Division to Multiplication-Fact Families
Lesson 2-  2 Digit Dividends
Lesson 4-Division Patterns
Lesson 5-Estimating Quotients
Lesson 8-Divide 3-and 4-Digit Dividends
Lesson 9-Place the First Digit
Lesson 10-Quotients with Zeros
Lesson 12-Interpret the Remainder

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Feb. 16-20, 2015

 Spakausky Winter Fun

More Book Talks!

Valentine's Party Fun

Coming up:

Fri., Feb. 13-No School

Mon., Feb. 16-No School

ELA-Spelling: Lesson 9 in Wordly Wise
Due Friday!
ELA-Language Arts-Nouns
Unit 2-Nouns
This is a review for most students, so we will be doing many writing application assignements to review the skills.

ELA-Nature's Fury
We have been introduced to our essential questions for this unit.  
*How can a force of nature that is so far away affect me?
*How can force of nature be both destructive and constructive at the same time?
*What are forces of nature?

Social Studies: Chapter 6:Life in the English Colonies
In Chapter 6 we will study about:
Lesson 1:  Working and Trading in the English Colonies
Lesson 2:  Citites, Towns and Farms
Lesson 3: Everyday Life in the Colonies
Lesson 4: Slavery in the Colonies

TEST Wed., 2/18!

Science: Ch. 15-Weather

5 science Bonus points:  Send me a LIST of 10 things you already know about weather and 5 things you would love to know more about!!!  Due Tuesday, Feb. 17th!

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 3-Division

Lesson 1-Relate Division to Multiplication-Fact Families
Lesson 2-  2 Digit Dividends
Lesson 4-Division Patterns
Lesson 5-Estimating Quotients
Lesson 8-Divide 3-and 4-Digit Dividends
Lesson 9-Place the First Digit
Lesson 10-Quotients with Zeros
Lesson 12-Interpret the Remainder
QUIZ next week!!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Feb. 9-13, 2015

Good start to our Book Project Presentations!!!
More to come!!!

Coming up next:

Mon., 2/9-Sub Alert-I will be at a conference on this day.

Week of Feb. 9th-Parent/Teacher/Student conferences--

Thurs., Feb. 12- Valentine Day Party 1:30  (If you want to address each students on your cards, look at the google classroom list. :)

Fri., Feb. 13-No School

ELA-Spelling: L. 23

Pretest on Monday
Work due Thursday
TEST on Thursday!!!
ELA-Language Arts-Nouns
Unit 2-Nouns
This is a review for most students, so we will be doing many writing application assignements to review the skills.

ELA-Nature's Fury
We have been introduced to our essential questions for this unit.  
*How can a force of nature that is so far away affect me?
*How can force of nature be both destructive and constructive at the same time?
*What are forces of nature?

Social Studies: Chapter 6:Life in the English Colonies
In Chapter 6 we will study about:
Lesson 1:  Working and Trading in the English Colonies
Lesson 2:  Citites, Towns and Farms
Lesson 3: Everyday Life in the Colonies
Lesson 4: Slavery in the Colonies

TEST Wed., 2/18!

Science: Ch. 15-Weather

5 science Bonus points:  Send me a LIST of 10 things you already know about weather and 5 things you would love to know more about!!!

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 3-Division

Lesson 1-Relate Division to Multiplication-Fact Families
Lesson 2-  2 Digit Dividends
Lesson 4-Division Patterns
Lesson 5-Estimating Quotients
Lesson 8-Divide 3-and 4-Digit Dividends
Lesson 9-Place the First Digit
Lesson 10-Quotients with Zeros
Lesson 12-Interpret the Remainder
QUIZ next week!!!

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...