Friday, January 26, 2018

Jan. 29-Feb. 2

4th Grade Spelling Bee
Congratulations Charley and Ariana!
Congrats, Ariana for winning the Grade Level Bee. Good Luck at the District Bee!
Important Dates:
February 1-- Early Dismissal
February 12-13 Parent Teacher Conferences
February 14- Valentine's Day parties
Reading:   The students will be introduced to a culminating project for the courage unit, titled
"Profile in Courage". Your child will research a historical figure who showed courage, create a
slide presentation  and present his/her project to the class.
Time For Kids: There will  be a quiz on Monday for the Time For Kids-Year in Pictures!
English:   In English this week we will continue to  work on Explanatory Writing. We will write a class essay
on why Lou Gehrig is considered a hero. Later in the week the students will be assigned to
write an essay of someone they consider to be a hero in their life.
Spelling:  Unit 17  Greek Roots
This week's list includes words with the suffix "-tion". Students will learn that when the suffix -tion is added
to a verb, the word becomes a noun. When -tion is added to a word that ends in an
"e" or "t", the "e" or "t" is dropped. The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 2/2.
Social Studies:  The CH. 8 test, on the Midwest, will be on Tuesday, 1/30. A study packet was sent home
Science:  We will continue chapter 3,  Adaptations.  We will learn what basic needs are shared by all living things and
how adaptation allow living things to meet their needs. We will also read and learn how instinctive behaviors and
learned behaviors can help animals survive. Animals can migrate or hibernate to avoid severe weather.
Mrs. Spakausk's and Mrs. K.'s Math Class:  We will continue with Unit Four Addition and Subtraction. This week we will focus on addition strategies.  We will learn how to fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using an algorithm or another strategy We will compare pairs of 3-digit numbers, based on an understanding of what the digits in each place represents. We will also focus on problem-solving strategies

Sunday, January 21, 2018

January 22-26

Image result for january

Important Dates:
February 1-- Early Dismissal
February 14- Valentine's Day parties (classlist was sent via email)

Reading:  We will complete our reading of Lou Gehrig.   
There will be a vocabulary quiz on Monday and a comprehension
quiz on Tuesday.  The students should be reviewing their vocabulary slides and
the Quizlet (or here) in Google Classroom.

We will also continue to work on text dependent questions.

Time For Kids: There will  be a quiz this week in Time For Kids on Friday.

English:  We will write an essay on why Lou Gehrig is considered a hero this week.

Spelling:  Unit 16  Greek Roots
This week's list includes words with the Greek Roots micro, mega, hydro, astro, hydra and path. Students will study the meaning of these roots and words that contain them. The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/26.

Social Studies: We will continue our study of the Midwest. In lesson two we will read and learn how erosion shapes the landforms of the Badlands and exposes the fossils there. We will also learn how the Badlands was once much warmer and more humid than it is today.

Science:  We will begin Chapter three,  Adaptations  in Science this week. We will read and learn how the bodies of animals help them meet their needs.

Mrs. Spakausky and Mrs. K.'s Math Class:
We will take the second part of the Unit 3 test Monday (decimals). On Tuesday, we will begin Unit Four Addition and Subtraction.  The students will complete activities designed to help them understand some of the relationships between hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, and millions.  We will also complete  a problem string that focuses on the give and take (compensation) strategy for adding multi-digit numbers.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

January 15-19

Some Pics from our Myth Presentations

Week of January 16

Important Dates:
January 15-- No school
January 17-- Math MAP test

Reading:  We will continue our close read of Lou Gehrig.   There will be  vocabulary work for homework this week.  The students should be reviewing their vocabulary slides and the Quizlet in Google Classroom. We will also work on Text Dependent Questions this week as we do our second read of the story.

Time For Kids: There will not be a quiz this week in Time For Kids.

English/Writing:  We have been learning about different types of writing "hooks."  We will practice identifying these in writing and write our own.

Spelling:  Unit 15  Greek Roots
The focus for the lesson this week will be on Greek Roots. Students will learn the meaning of the roots "audi", "bio", "geo", "ology", "meter", and "thermo". Knowledge of these roots will help them to find meaning in unknown words when they are reading. The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/19.

Social Studies: We will continue our study of the Midwest. In lesson one we will read and learn how the Great Lakes link the Midwest region to the Gulf of Mexico and to the Atlantic Ocean. The Midwest map quiz is Tuesday, 1/16.

Mrs. Spakausky's and Mrs. K.'s Math Class:  We will complete Unit 3, Fractions and Decimals. The Unit test will be given on Friday, Jan. 19.  A practice test was sent home on Thursday. We will review for the test this week.

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...