Monday, February 26, 2018

February 25-March 2

Image result for Welcome march
Week of February 26th
Important Dates:
February 27--Six Flags Reading Logs Due
March 2-- No School Institute Day

Reading:   We will continue our "Journeys" Unit.  This week the students will close read and analyze the song, The River.

Time For Kids:   There will be a quiz this Thursday.  They may work on the quiz with their study buddy.

English:   In English  the students will continue to work on the sloppy copy of of their Friendship essays. We are working on using precise language as we write to make our writing interesting. We will also focus on how to use the correct transition words to help make our writing flow.

Spelling:   Unit 20 - Homographs
This week's list includes homographs, which are sets of words that are spelled the same but have multiple meanings (Examples: bank or ring). The final test is scheduled for Thursday, 3/1.

Social Studies:  Chapter 9- We will read and learn how the Ojibwa have maintained cultural traditions and have contributed to the Midwest.

Mrs. Spakausky's and Mrs. K.'s Math Class:   The math test for unit 4 will be Wednesday, Feb. 28th. We will then  begin Unit Five Geometry and Measurement.  This week we will focus on angles. The students will become familiar with acute, straight, obtuse and right angles. We will learn how to use a protractor to measure angles later in the week.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Feb. 19-23

I hope you enjoyed the link to the Valentine Pictures and other misc. pics.

I'd like to THANK the parents that helped out with the party.  Whether you were there in person or sent items in, all your effort made the Valentine Party a success.  
The students had a BLAST!!!

Congrats to our Valentine Holder Winners!

All of the holders were WONDERFUL!!!!  So CREATIVE!!!

Week of February 19th
Important Dates:
February 16-- No School
February 19-- No School Presidents Day
February 27--Six Flags Reading Logs Due

Reading:   We will begin our "Journeys" Unit.  We will continue to read the story Grandfather's Journey and complete a writing activity.  The students will use the vocabulary from the story to create their own story.

Time For Kids:   There will be a quiz on Thursday. Students should thoroughly read the magazine and have it at school on Thursday to use while taking the quiz.

English:   In English  the students will work on an essay about why they would make a good friend.  We are working on using precise language as we write to make our writing interesting. We will also focus on how to use the correct transition words to help make our writing flow.

Spelling:   Unit 19 - Greek Roots The spelling packet was sent home on Friday.
Words this week will contain the Greek Roots "uni", "bi", "tri" and "quad". Students will study the definition of these roots and words that contain them. The final test is scheduled for  Friday, 2/23

Social Studies:   We will present our Midwest State Project.

Science:  We will complete chapter 3,  Adaptations.The chapter test is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 23rd.

Mrs. Spakausky's and Mrs. K.'s Math Class:   We will complete Unit Four. There will be a test on Tuesday, 2/27. The students will be get a practice test at the end of this week to help them prepare for the test.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Feb. 12-16

PRIDE WINNER FOR January---Gabija!!!

Our Beautiful Winter Scenes!
Congrats to our winner, Eric---voted best done!!!

Week of February 12th
Important Dates:
February 12-13 Parent Teacher Conferences
February 14- Valentine's Day parties 1:30
February 15-- Spring Picture Day
February 16-- No School
February 19-- No School Presidents Day
February 27--Six Flags Reading Logs Due

Reading:   We will begin our "Journeys" Unit.  We will read the story Grandfather's Journey and complete a writing activity. 

Spelling:  There will not be a new lesson this week due to the short week/snow day.

Social Studies:   We will begin our Midwest State Project presentations. The students were assigned a state and created a "Just Look" book which included many details on their particular state.

Science:  We will continue chapter 3,  Adaptations.  In lesson 3 we will learn how living things of long ago compare with those of today. The chapter test is  tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 21st.

Mrs. Spakauskky and Mrs. K.'s MATH class-
We will continue with Unit Four Addition and Subtraction.
 We will start Module 3, "Measurement."   We will review rounding multi-digit whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousands. We will also. focus on  the relative sizes of centimeters, meters, and kilometers.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Feb. 5-Feb. 9

Image result for Happy february

Important Dates:
February 12-13 Parent Teacher Conferences
February 14- Valentine's Day parties 1:30

Kid with a Cape on the Go! - We've gotten some response from students with pictures of themselves spreading kindness. This initiative was the result of a visit from the author of A Girl with a Cape,  Amy Logan.  Her message to us was that WE ALL CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE by spreading kindness. Students can take a picture of  spreading kindness, with or without their "Kid with a Cape." A photo, drawing, or a written paragraph of the student and the event are alternative activities that can be turned in to the teacher. While this is optional, students have had fun posing with his/her "Kid with a Cape.

Reading:   "Profile in Courage" projects are due on Tuesday.  Presentations will begin on Wednesday. The students should practice their presentation as part of their homework. A rubric for the project and presentation can be found in your child's Reading Google Classroom.

English:   In English this week we will work on Explanatory Writing.We finished up our hero essays.

Spelling:  Unit 18 - Words with "ch" & "tch"
Words this week will contain the letters "ch" or "tch". Students will learn that if the final "ch" sound comes after a consonant or a two letter vowel, the ending is -ch. If the final "ch" sound follows a one letter vowel, it's usually written -tch. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, February 9th.

Social Studies:   We will take a break and focus on science.

Science:  We will continue chapter 3,  Adaptations.  We will  read and learn how instinctive behaviors and learned behaviors can help animals survive. Animals can migrate or hibernate to avoid severe weather. We will also learn how fossils form and how animals of the past compare with those of today.

Mrs. Spakausky and Mrs. K.'s Math Class:  Unit Four Addition and Subtraction.
This week we will focus on subtraction strategies.  We will learn how to fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using an algorithm or another strategy We will compare pairs of 3-digit numbers, based on an understanding of what the digits in each place represents. We will also focus on problem-solving strategies.

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...