Our Class went to see their preschool reading buddy practice their songs for graduation!!!
Students and families-
Thank you for an AMAZING year in 4th grade!
You have been an awesome class...
Full of curiosity, humor, & compassion.
After my 26th year of teaching, you will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart :)
I hope that you have an engaging and relaxing summer.
Good luck in 5th grade, and be sure to come back
and visit me whenever you have a chance!
Mrs. Tracy Spakausky
Details for end of year events:
Tuesday, 6/4
Field Day ~ 8:00-11:15am -
An all beef hot dog lunch & drink will be provided by the PTO. However, your child may bring sack lunch if preferred (or extra food to go with the hot dog and drink).
Weather permitting, students will be outside the entire morning so please dress your child accordingly. For safety reasons, students should not wear flip-flops.
Please have your child bring a water bottle with his/her name on it for Field Day.
Please apply sunscreen at home, before coming to school!

An all beef hot dog lunch & drink will be provided by the PTO. However, your child may bring sack lunch if preferred (or extra food to go with the hot dog and drink).
Weather permitting, students will be outside the entire morning so please dress your child accordingly. For safety reasons, students should not wear flip-flops.
Please have your child bring a water bottle with his/her name on it for Field Day.
Please apply sunscreen at home, before coming to school!
Talent Show -
Parents are welcome to attend our PV Talent Show in the gym starting at 1:00pm.
Doors open at 12:45.
Parents are welcome to attend our PV Talent Show in the gym starting at 1:00pm.
Doors open at 12:45.
Wednesday, 6/5 Last day of school:
~ Yearbooks will be distributed to students who purchased one at registration last fall or have purchased one of the extras on hand. Students will be given time to sign their classmates' books today.
Autograph pages will be distributed to students who did not wish to purchase a yearbook.

Autograph pages will be distributed to students who did not wish to purchase a yearbook.
~ 5th Grade Clap Out - As this school year comes to an end, we wish all of our 5th grade Panthers good luck at Lakeview Jr. High!
Please join us in front of the school Wednesday by 10:55 am while we "clap-out" the 5th grade Panthers as they board the buses.
Parents should park in the Prairieview lot for the clap out and line up along the front sidewalk!
Parents may also take their PV student with them following the clap out.
Please join us in front of the school Wednesday by 10:55 am while we "clap-out" the 5th grade Panthers as they board the buses.
Parents should park in the Prairieview lot for the clap out and line up along the front sidewalk!
Parents may also take their PV student with them following the clap out.
~ Dismissal is at 11:00 am.
Happy Summer!