We had a great fundraising event, for our new playground, at McDonald's last week. Here are some pictures that I captured during my shift. Thanks for your support!
Wed 2/26 - District Eat Out 9am-10pm
Thurs 2/27 - Panther Palooza 2:30-6:45pm
Fri 2/28 - No School (County Institute Day)
Fri 3/6 - End of 2nd trimester
Thurs 3/12 - Early dismissal 11:00am
Thurs 3/26 - PV Roller Skating Party 3:30-6:30pm
Mon 3/30 - Fri 4/3 Spring Break (No School)
Words this week will contain the Greek Roots "uni", "bi", "tri" and "quad". Students will study the definition of these roots and words that contain them. The final TEST is scheduled for Thursday, 2/27.
English - Explanatory Writing
Our hero essays are due Tuesday, 2/25.. The final draft must be typed in Google Classroom and submitted. Parents should sign the grading paper that came home on Friday, 2/21.
Reading - Grandfather's Journey
Students will also work gathering information for a written response to the story. We will have a quiz on the vocabulary and comprehension of Grandfather's Journey.
Many students presented their "Profiles in Courage" this week and we will finish them tomorrow.
Social Studies - Chapter 8, Lesson 1, 2, 3 The Midwest & Chapter 9- Lesson 1 only: The Ojibwa
We will continue our study of the amazing geography of the Badlands. Science - Energy Conversions
Backup electrical systems and engineering practices will be our focus in Science this week. Below are photos of students working with partners to create electrical systems using a digital simulation tool.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) - Handling Put-Downs
This week's lesson focuses on how calming down helps you handle put-downs and avoid making conflicts escalate. The objectives for the lesson are for students to be able to identify strategies for handling put-downs, demonstrate what they've learned about strategies for calming down, and demonstrate assertive responses to put-downs.
Unit 5 Math Overview-Geometry and Measurements
Module 1-Measuring Angles
1. Parts of a circle
2. Acute, right, obtuse, and straight angles
3. Measure angles with a protractor
4. Estimate angle measurements
Module 2-Polygons and Symmetry
1. Is it a polygon?
2. Number of sides in polygons
3. Parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines
4. Acute, obtuse, and right triangles
5. Scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles
6. Classify triangles
7. Classify quadrilaterals
8. Identify lines of symmetry
9. Draw lines of symmetry
10. Count lines of symmetry
Module 3-Area and Perimeter
1. Perimeter of polygons
2. Area of complex figures (with all right angles)
3. Relationship between area and perimeter
4. Area and perimeter: word problems
Module 4-Angles in Motion
1. Adjacent angles
Practice with skills from Unit 5:
Unit 5 Games and Tools
Home Connection Answer Key: https://www.ahschools.us/cms/lib/MN01909485/Centricity/Domain/4158/br4-hckey.pdf