Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nov. 21-Dec. 2

Enjoy the pictures from the assembly last week and the TRADE FAIR that was today.  We also have three students who did a skit on the book they read!

 Happy Thanksgiving!!!

All in a Word
- Aileen Fisher

T for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather.
H for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday.
A for autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart.
N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.
K for kitchen, kettles' croon, kith and kin expected soon.
S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds.
That spells - THANKS - for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.

BY Monday, two fiction books and one non-fiction book should have been read and your sheets should have been filled out and turned in.  The last day that I will accept these sheets will be on Monday.

On Monday, I will then ask, the students that qualify, if they would like to order a large slice of Home Run Inn pizza and jumbo sugar cookie for the party.  If the student is interested in the pizza from HRI, I will send home an order form with the price, on Monday.  Please return them by Tuesday!

The students may also buy a hot lunch or bring their own lunch for our reading party.

The reading party will be on Thursday, Dec. 1st!

Coming up this week:

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class-

What do mean, median, mode and range mean?  Ask your child to tell you the difference between each of these.  Quiz next week!

L 12 will be the week after Thanksgiving!!

Unit 2- Nouns 
 We will learn:
*What is a noun?
*Common and Proper Nouns
*Plural Nouns
*Possessive Nouns-Singular and Plural
UNIT 6 TEST will be on WEDNESDAY, November 30th! 

We wrote some cool turkey stories with our third grade reading buddies. What fun!!!


 We will be using prior knowledge and setting a purpose for reading while using a variety of materials with short stories and exerts. We will also be looking at the author's purpose of different written entertain, to inform, or to persuade.

Social Studies:

We have started Chapter 6 “Life in the English Colonies” continues. We will specifically study how the early colonists lived in cities, towns, and on farms.

Science:Chapter 6-States of Matter
We will start states of matter after Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 14-18

Coming up this week:

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class-

Chapter 6 is called: Adding and Subtracting Decimals
We will:
* Round Decimals
*Add and Sub Decimals
*Estimate the Sums and Differences of Decimals
*Do a little Problem Solving 
Test on Math-Chapter 6 is November 15th! 

Lesson 11: Pretest Monday
Workbook/Challenge work due Thursday.
Test Friday.

Unit 2- Nouns 
 We will learn:
*What is a noun?
*Common and Proper Nouns
*Plural Nouns

Voice-We will discuss what voice is in writing and learn how to put this trait of "personality" into our writing.

We will be applying the reading skills that we have learned this year to our novels. Please ask your child what they are reading and let them share the stories with you. They both deal with bullying and being the “new kid.” These are great topics for discussion here in the classroom and at home!

Social Studies:
Chapter 5:  Test will be Monday, November 14th!  

On Tuesday, we will start Chapter 6 “Life in the English Colonies” continues. We will specifically study how the early colonists lived in cities, towns, and on farms.

Science:Chapter 6-Ecosystems Change
We are learning about:
*How do Organisms Compete and Survive in an Ecosystem?
*How do Ecosystems Change Over Time?
*How Do People Affect Ecosystems?

TEST on Chapter 6-Friday, November 18th!!!

Important Dates:
November 11 – Veterans' Day – no school

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 7-11


No School-Friday, Nov. 11th-Veteran's Day! 

Coming up this week:

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class:
We will have a Quiz on Chapter 5-Lessons 1, 2, and 3 tomorrow. (Nov. 4th)
We will start Chapter 6 on Monday.

Chapter 6 is called: Adding and Subtracting Decimals
We will:
* Round Decimals
*Add and Sub Decimals
*Estimate the Sums and Differences of Decimals
*Do a little Problem Solving 
Test around November 15th! 

Lesson 10: Pretest Monday
Workbook/Challenge work due Thursday.
Test Friday.

We will start Unit 2 on nouns! 
We will also continue to learn about super hooks in writing and grand endings!! 

We will be applying the reading skills that we have learned this year to our novels. Please ask your child what they are reading and let them share the stories with you. They both deal with bullying and being the “new kid.” These are great topics for discussion here in the classroom and at home!

Social Studies: Chapter 6 “Life in the English Colonies” continues. We will specifically study how the early colonists lived in cities, towns, and on farms.

We read lesson 1 which deals with ecosystems and how they compete and survive in their environment. Ask your child about their population project which goes along with one of my favorite books, The Great Fuzz Frenzy. 

Lesson 2 is next week and we will learn about ecosystems and how they change over time.

Important Dates:
November 11 – Veterans' Day – no school

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...