Coming up this week:
Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class:
We will have a Quiz on Chapter 5-Lessons 1, 2, and 3 tomorrow. (Nov. 4th)
We will start Chapter 6 on Monday.Chapter 6 is called: Adding and Subtracting Decimals
We will:
* Round Decimals
*Add and Sub Decimals
*Estimate the Sums and Differences of Decimals
*Do a little Problem Solving
Test around November 15th!

We will be applying the reading skills that we have learned this year to our novels. Please ask your child what they are reading and let them share the stories with you. They both deal with bullying and being the “new kid.” These are great topics for discussion here in the classroom and at home!

We read lesson 1 which deals with ecosystems and how they compete and survive in their environment. Ask your child about their population project which goes along with one of my favorite books, The Great Fuzz Frenzy.
Lesson 2 is next week and we will learn about ecosystems and how they change over time.
Lesson 10: Pretest Monday
Lesson 10: Pretest Monday
Workbook/Challenge work due Thursday.
Test Friday.
We will start Unit 2 on nouns!
Test Friday.
We will start Unit 2 on nouns!
We will also continue to learn about super hooks in writing and grand endings!!

We will be applying the reading skills that we have learned this year to our novels. Please ask your child what they are reading and let them share the stories with you. They both deal with bullying and being the “new kid.” These are great topics for discussion here in the classroom and at home!
Social Studies: Chapter 6 “Life in the English Colonies” continues. We will specifically study how the early colonists lived in cities, towns, and on farms.

We read lesson 1 which deals with ecosystems and how they compete and survive in their environment. Ask your child about their population project which goes along with one of my favorite books, The Great Fuzz Frenzy.
Lesson 2 is next week and we will learn about ecosystems and how they change over time.
Important Dates:
November 11 – Veterans' Day – no school
November 11 – Veterans' Day – no school