Sue Hagansee, librarian in District 66 for 45 years, will be retiring at the end of this year.
Book Club meeting last Friday!!!
- Coming up:
- Wed. 6/3-Last day of math classes
- Thurs. 6/4-Last day of WIN classes
- Fri 6/5 - 5th grade bowling field trip and a special 5th grade afternoon
- Mon 6/8 - Picnic/field day-in the morning & talent show-1:00pm
- Tues 6/9 - Early dismissal 11:00am / Last day of school!
- Have a fantastic summer! Congrats and good luck at Lakeview!
ELA-Spelling-Lesson 34-Last spelling list and test
Thursday-work dueTest on Friday
Writing-will continue working on our books. We are
writing a Paul Revere story, from the horse's point-of-
view, illustrating the pictures, designing the cover and
writing an "all about the author" page.
ELA-Our new unit is called Hardships in History!!!
We have started our novel study. Ask your child what
novel they are reading. On Monday we will be on day 9.
Each night the students have a reading assignment and a
sheet to do. They may be in charge of questions,
vocabulary words, summaries, illustrator, etc. Ask your
child to share their role with you. What book club is
your child in???

novel they are reading. On Monday we will be on day 9.
Each night the students have a reading assignment and a
sheet to do. They may be in charge of questions,
vocabulary words, summaries, illustrator, etc. Ask your
child to share their role with you. What book club is
your child in???
Oral Grade in ELA-
bring props in Monday, so they can recite it to the class.
Are you practicing? How animated are you? Are you practicing
in front of the mirror and your familly?
In Chapter 10- Forming a New Government
Lesson 1-A Weak Governmnet
Lesson 2-Debate in Philadelphia
Lesson 3-Ratifying the Constitution
Please start having your child memorize the preamble. They will
need to write it on Friday for their test.
TEST on FRIDAY, June 5th!
need to write it on Friday for their test.
TEST on FRIDAY, June 5th!
Science: Ch. 12-Ocean
have been working on them on class all week. They are due
Monday and we will start sharing them with the class.
Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 10-Fractions
Quiz Monday on multiplying fractions and Wednesday on dividing