Monday, September 28, 2015

Oct. 5-Oct.9, 2015

Congrats, Jenna, you were PRIDE! winner for the month of September!

Coming up next:
10/6-Social Studies-Chapter 4 TEST
/W 10/7-6 Fall Picture Day
Fri 10/9- Early dismissal 
Mon., 10/12-No School - Columbus Day
Thurs 10/15- Fall book fair/Open House  6:30-8:00pm


English/Words skills: Commas
We have been focusing on commas.  We will take a quick assessment to see how the students are grasping commas in an introductory phrase.  

Reading: Point of View and Perspective
This week we will be discussing the difference between point of view and perspective.  We will start with perspective and use the Three Little Pigs and the True Story of the Three Little Pigs to introduce this.

What is the difference?
Point of View and perspective are actually two different things, but the distinction can be confusing.  Simply put, perspective is who tells the story, and point of view is how they tell it.

Choosing a perspective means choosing a character to tell the story.  Stories are generally told through the eyes of a single character, and although that's usually the main character, that isn't always the case.  The Sherlock Holmes tales, for instance, are always told from the perspective of Watson, Holmes' assistant.  

Point of View
Point of View is a little more difficult to describe.  Selecting a point of view means deciding how to tell the story.  Point of view is traditionally divided

First Person Point Of View: First person is used when the main character is telling the story. This is the kind that uses the "I" narrator. As a reader, you can only experience the story through this person's eyes. So you won't know anything about the people or events that this character hasn't personally experienced.
Second Person Point Of View: Second person point of view is generally only used in instructional writing. It is told from the perspective of "you". 

Third Person Point Of View: Third person POV is used when your narrator is not a character in the story. Third person uses the "he/she/it" narrator and it is the most commonly used POV in writing. The 2 we will focus on are: 
  • Third Person Limited: Limited means that the POV is limited to only one character. Which means that the narrator only knows what that character knows. With third person limited you can choose to view the action from right inside the character's head, or from further away, where the narrator has more access to information outside the protagonist's viewpoint.
  • Third Person Omniscient: This point of view still uses the "he/she/it" narration but now the narrator knows EVERYTHING. The narrator isn't limited by what one character knows, sort of like the narrator is God. The narrator can know things that others don't, can make comments about what's happening, and can see inside the minds of other characters.

Word Work:Unit 2
We started unit 2 in our word work.  The suffixes, prefixes and roots are:
ology=to study
script=to write

What kinds of words can you think of that have these parts in them?
QUIZ on Monday, October 5th!

Writing:Journal Writing and word work writing-
Journal Writing-We do this each Monday.  We take a skill from the past and apply it to our journal writing.  Monday, was commas in a series and an introductory phrase.

Social Studies: Chapter 4-"Spain Builds an Empire"
We will begin with chapter 4 this year.
Lesson 1-The Voyages of Columbus and what it led to
Lesson 2-Different Worlds Collide-Spanish conquistadors establish new colonies in North America and South America
Lesson 3-Life in New Spain-Spain gaining wealth from the settlement in North America
TEST on Chapter 4 is scheduled for Wed., October 7th!

Science: Science Inquiry
In science we will start with the first section about "Getting Ready for Science."
What is the Scientific Method?  We will continue to discuss the scientific method next week.

Math:  Volume and number patterns were the focus of this week.  We will continue to work on finding patterns in multiplication equations.

Have a super weekend!

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...