Tues., Dec. 15-Early Dismissal
Wed., Dec. 16-5th Grade Bowling
Fri., Dec. 18-Holiday Outing-Movie
Math: Unit 2-Adding and Subtracting Fractions
In unit 2 we will:
Module 1-Add and Subtract Fractions by relating fractions to money and the clock
Module 2-Introducing Common Denominators
Module 3-More with Common Denominators-currently doing this Module:)
Module 4-LCMs and GCFs (least common multiples and greatest common factors), simplifying fractions and problem solving with fractions
Unit 2 TEST on THURSDAY!!!
Word Work:Unit 5
a/an=without/not (abyss - without bottom; achromatic - without color; anhydrous - without water)
dec=ten (decade - 10 years; decathlon - athletic contest that includes 10 disciplines in which each participant competes; December - formerly the 10th month of the Roman calendar)
derma=skin (dermatologist - a doctor for the skin; pachyderm - a class of animals with very thick skin (elephant, rhinoceros); dermatitis - inflammation of the skin)
photo=light (photogenic - caused by light; photograph - image made on light-sensitive film; photon - the smallest possible unit of light.)
port=to carry (export - to carry goods out of a place to another; portable - able to be carried; porter - a person who carries luggage.)
struct=to build (construct - to build; destruction - the act of destroying something that was built; structure - something built; infrastructure - underlying framework of a system.)
dec=ten (decade - 10 years; decathlon - athletic contest that includes 10 disciplines in which each participant competes; December - formerly the 10th month of the Roman calendar)
derma=skin (dermatologist - a doctor for the skin; pachyderm - a class of animals with very thick skin (elephant, rhinoceros); dermatitis - inflammation of the skin)
photo=light (photogenic - caused by light; photograph - image made on light-sensitive film; photon - the smallest possible unit of light.)
port=to carry (export - to carry goods out of a place to another; portable - able to be carried; porter - a person who carries luggage.)
struct=to build (construct - to build; destruction - the act of destroying something that was built; structure - something built; infrastructure - underlying framework of a system.)
DATE CHANGE: Test will be on Tues., Dec. 15th!
Writing: Challenge
We have all picked a person to report about for our final project. Ask your child who they will be making a Glogster. How did their person have challenges in life and how did they deal with them or overcome them? We are in the process of gathering background information on our person. Have your child show you their slide on their person's background.
ELA---Research of Challenges should be finished this weekend. They have started to put their information into their Glog. Ask them to share this with you. What kind of notes does your child have about their person????
We are currently researching our famous person that dealt with challenges. Ask your child about this.
Lesson 1-Working and Trading in the Colonies
Lesson 2-Cities, Towns, and Farms
Lesson 3-Everyday Life in the Colonies
Lesson 4--Slavery in the Colonies
Lesson 4--Slavery in the Colonies
Date CHANGE: Test is Rescheduled for after winter break!!!
Science: Chapter 6-Ecosystems and Change
Lesson 1-How Do Organisms Compete and Survive in an Ecosystem?
Lesson 2-How Do Ecosystems Change over Time?
Lesson 3-How Do People Affect Ecosystems?
Date CHANGE: Test Scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 17th!
Lesson 2-How Do Ecosystems Change over Time?
Lesson 3-How Do People Affect Ecosystems?
Date CHANGE: Test Scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 17th!