Important Dates:
November 17 End of Trimester
November 22-27 Thanksgiving Break
Reading: We will continue our Courage theme with the biography of Gloria Estefan. The students have been busy learning how to answer text dependent questions. We have been focusing on how to turn the question around and support the evidence with information from the text.
Time For Kids: Please review the quiz that your child took last week. I will not take this first one for a grade, since a majority of the student did not do very well. Sign the quiz and return. Thank you.
November 17 End of Trimester
November 22-27 Thanksgiving Break
Reading: We will continue our Courage theme with the biography of Gloria Estefan. The students have been busy learning how to answer text dependent questions. We have been focusing on how to turn the question around and support the evidence with information from the text.
Time For Kids: Please review the quiz that your child took last week. I will not take this first one for a grade, since a majority of the student did not do very well. Sign the quiz and return. Thank you.
English: The Unit 5 English Test will be Friday. Review the papers in the English pocket and the end of Unit review in the English book.
Spelling: Unit 12 - Homophones
A homophone is a word that sounds like another word, but has a different spelling and meaning, for example, bear and bare. The final test for the homophone lesson will be on Friday, 11/17.
Social Studies: We will continue our study of the Southeast. We will learn how the mild climates of the Southeast bring many tourists, but the area has some natural hazards. We will also read and learn how the Southeast is rich in different resources. These resources are used in different industries throughout the region.
Science: We will begin a new unit on Life Cycles of Plants and Animals. This week we will conduct an experiment to find out if seeds need light to sprout. We will be placing radish seeds in damp sponges. One pan will be placed in the light and another in the dark. The students will write a hypothesis on whether the seeds will need light to sprout.
Mrs. Spakausky and Mrs. Krasnodebski's Math Class:. There will be a Unit 2 test on Tuesday, 11/21. The students will be given a practice test on Friday to help prepare for the test. We will review on Monday.
A homophone is a word that sounds like another word, but has a different spelling and meaning, for example, bear and bare. The final test for the homophone lesson will be on Friday, 11/17.
Science: We will begin a new unit on Life Cycles of Plants and Animals. This week we will conduct an experiment to find out if seeds need light to sprout. We will be placing radish seeds in damp sponges. One pan will be placed in the light and another in the dark. The students will write a hypothesis on whether the seeds will need light to sprout.
Mrs. Spakausky and Mrs. Krasnodebski's Math Class:. There will be a Unit 2 test on Tuesday, 11/21. The students will be given a practice test on Friday to help prepare for the test. We will review on Monday.
After Thanksgiving, We will begin unit 3. The students will review fraction skills and concepts and extend their understandings to mixed numbers, improper fractions and more sophisticated strategies for generating equivalent fractions.