Coming up:
10/26- No School - Conferences
10/29 - No School - Teachers' Institute
10/29 - No School - Teachers' Institute
10/31-Halloween Parties and Parade
The Halloween celebration will be on Wednesday, 10/31.
Students will change into their costumes at 12:45, and the parties will begin at 1:00. The traditional PV parade will begin at 1:55. Students must be able to put on their Halloween costume in 5-10 minutes by themselves. Fourth grade will have designated classrooms for girls to change in and for boys. They will NOT be allowed to change in the bathroom. No props that resemble a weapon should be brought to school. THANK YOU to all the parents who are helping to make this a special afternoon for our classroom!
Students working with partners---We are responding to questions about Martin Luther King Jr.ś ''I have a Dream Speech¨
Our new student, Emma! Welcome to Prairieview!!!
What is Cause and Effect?
Students defined and came up with key words for finding a cause and effect relationship.
Spelling List for Unit 9

Words on this week's list will include the prefixes pre-, re- and mis-. We will study the definitions of these prefixes and how they change the meaning of the root word that they are attached to. The final TEST is scheduled for THURSDAY, 10/25.

Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"
We will be having a quiz comparing the story Happy Birthday, Dr. King and the song PRIDE.
We will start our new unit on Energy. During the first chapter, the students will have a Question that will guide them throughout. The Chapter Question is: What happened to the electrical system the night of the Errgstown blackout?
WE will investigate what a system is and how electrical energy in a system is used.
*A system is a collection of interacting parts that work together. Each part in the system plays a role to perform an overall system function.
*Light, motion, sound and thermal energy are all forms of energy. You can observe evidence of these different forms as outputs of electrical devices.
(There is no textbook for science. Only student workbooks).
Mrs. Spakauskyś Math Class--Unit 2
In math this week we will continue Unit Two, Module Three, Multiplication Stories and Strategies. Students investigate the effect of doubling and halving factors in multiplication combinations. The students should also be practicing their multiplication facts nightly. Next, we are working on division with remainders. The students will learn how to divide a 2-digit number by a one digit number with remainders.