Wishing you and your Family a Lovely Thanksgiving!!!
Welcome, Mr. Kowalsky from Lewis University!
Enjoy your time in our class until Christmas Break!!!
Our monthly time with our preschool reading buddies!!!
Time for a WALK!!! Catching snowflakes on our tongues!!!
Coming Up:
Wed 11/21 - Fri 11/23 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Tues 12/4 - Early Dismissal 11:00am
Wed. 12/19-Bowling
Mon 12/24 through Fri 1/4 - Winter Break
Week of 11/19 - There will be no Spelling lesson the week of 11/19.
Week of 11/26 - Unit 13 - Homographs
This week's list will consist of homographs. Homographs are two or more words that are spelled the same but have different meaning and sometimes different pronunciations. For example, the word pitcher is a homograph. A pitcher is a player who delivers the ball to a batter or a large container with a handle used for holding and pouring liquids. The final TEST for the homograph lesson will be on Friday, 11/30.
English - Capitalization & Punctuation
We are studying Chapter 5.
The students will learn about commas this week. How do you use commas in a series? We will have a mini-lesson on commas tomorrow and then have some practice station time.
Creative Writing
We will apply what we learned about commas and ¨hooks¨ to our Thanksgiving Turkey Perspective stories.
Social Studies - The Southeast - "Sunlight & Storms"
The week of 11/26 we will explore the diverse climate of the Southeast. Be sure to ask your child about the destructive nature of hurricanes.
Science - Energy Conversions
Writing arguments to support scientific claims and energy converters are the topics for the next two weeks.
During the week of 11/12, students participated in an investigation in which they were asked to build a simple electrical system that would cause a fan to spin, an LED to light and a buzzer to make noise. Their supplies included a solar panel, wires, a buzzer, an LED light and a fan motor with a blade. Below are some photos of our junior scientists collaborating to design and test their systems.
Mrs. Spakauskyś Math Class-
We have begun unit 3. The students will review fraction skills and concepts and extend their understandings to mixed numbers, improper fractions and more sophisticated strategies for generating equivalent fractions.