I hope you all enjoyed Halloween as much as we did! Thank you to our amazing parents who took time out of their busy schedules to help out with our party.
We will be spending some time next week as a class learning about the importance of Veteran's Day. We will finish the week with a school-wide assembly to honor our veterans. We are having a red-white-and-blue spirit day on Friday to show our support for the veterans and armed forces.
Coming up:
Fri. 11/9-Pizza Lunch in the classroom (sponsored by Marissaś family)
Fri 11/16 - End of first trimester
Wed 11/21 - Fri 11/23 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Tues 12/4 - Early Dismissal 11:00am
Mon 12/24 through Fri 1/4 - Winter Break
This week's list contains words that have the letter combinations "ei" and "ie". We will study the rule for spelling these words. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 11/9.
Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"

The next story that we will read in the Courage unit is a biographical piece about baseball player Lou Gehrig. While studying this text, we will continue to practice our close reading skills and focus on identifying statements that are facts and statements that are opinions. Students will work in small groups to respond to text-dependent questions and there will also be vocabulary work. Look for a QUIZ on the Lou Gehrig story and vocabulary to be scheduled for the week of 11/12.
English - Capitalization & Punctuation
Using quotation marks will be our focus this week. This skill can be quite challenging so we will spend extra time on it.
Social Studies - The Southeast
The Southeast Map QUIZ is scheduled for Mon., 11/5. Your child should study the map that he/she created and use the blank copy in the binder to practice. A word bank with names of states and water areas will be provided.
Science - Energy Conversions
Students will continue to explore electrical systems by completing a simulation online. We will also look at what uses electrical energy. This past week, students worked in small groups to create a system that would cause a fan blade to spin. They were given a solar panel, a motor, a fan blade, and two wires. Once they built their system, they had to hold the solar panel to a heat lamp to test it. They were all successful in getting the blade to spin in both directions. Below are some photos of their investigation...
Mrs. Spakausky's math class: In math this week we will continue Unit Two, Module Three, Multiplication Stories and Strategies. Students investigate the effect of doubling and halving factors in multiplication combinations. The students should also be practicing their multiplication facts nightly. Next, we are working on division with remainders. The students will learn how to divide a 2-digit number by a one digit number with remainders.
The Unit 2 Test will be coming up this Friday. A study guide will be coming home this week.
Students will continue to explore electrical systems by completing a simulation online. We will also look at what uses electrical energy. This past week, students worked in small groups to create a system that would cause a fan blade to spin. They were given a solar panel, a motor, a fan blade, and two wires. Once they built their system, they had to hold the solar panel to a heat lamp to test it. They were all successful in getting the blade to spin in both directions. Below are some photos of their investigation...
Mrs. Spakausky's math class: In math this week we will continue Unit Two, Module Three, Multiplication Stories and Strategies. Students investigate the effect of doubling and halving factors in multiplication combinations. The students should also be practicing their multiplication facts nightly. Next, we are working on division with remainders. The students will learn how to divide a 2-digit number by a one digit number with remainders.
The Unit 2 Test will be coming up this Friday. A study guide will be coming home this week.