A Look Ahead:
Thursday, February 28--Panther-PALOOZA!
Friday, March 1--NO SCHOOL--Institute Day
Friday, March 1--End of 2nd Trimester
We had reading buddies this week! They were so happy to see us!
Reading - Journeys - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
We have finished reading chapter 3 and 4 in this novel. We will continue to focus on vocabulary, content, and symbolism. At the end of the week, students will read two poems that are paired with the novel to look for similar themes and personification.
In addition to reading our novel, we have been learning about skills on adjectives, finding the theme, and story sequencing. We will continue to develop these skills in stations, next week.

We will be learning about relative adverbs and pronouns, as well as, some reading content words in spelling. Our test will be Thursday, February 28.
Social Studies - Bountiful Midwest Farms
The crops of the Central and Great Plains will be our focus this week. Be sure to ask your child why certain crops grow better in one area than another and about why farmers use crop rotation.
Science - Energy Conversions
We will start Chapter 4 in our lesson. This chapter asks the students:
How does energy get to the devices all over Ergstown?
We will learn more about Blackouts and system failures.
We had reading buddies this week! They were so happy to see us!
Reading - Journeys - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
We have finished reading chapter 3 and 4 in this novel. We will continue to focus on vocabulary, content, and symbolism. At the end of the week, students will read two poems that are paired with the novel to look for similar themes and personification.
In addition to reading our novel, we have been learning about skills on adjectives, finding the theme, and story sequencing. We will continue to develop these skills in stations, next week.
We will be learning about relative adverbs and pronouns, as well as, some reading content words in spelling. Our test will be Thursday, February 28.
Week 21 - Quizlet
Social Studies - Bountiful Midwest Farms
The crops of the Central and Great Plains will be our focus this week. Be sure to ask your child why certain crops grow better in one area than another and about why farmers use crop rotation.
Science - Energy Conversions
We will start Chapter 4 in our lesson. This chapter asks the students:
How does energy get to the devices all over Ergstown?
We will learn more about Blackouts and system failures.
Mrs. Spakausky and Mr. Kowalsky's Math Class-Unit 5-Geometry and Measurement
Module 1
Measuring Angles
Session 1 Unit 5 Pre-Assessment
Session 2 Introducing Angles
Session 3 Benchmark Angles
Session 4 Angle Puzzles
Session 5 Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland
Session 6 From Pattern Blocks to Protractors
Module 2 Polygons & Symmetry
Session 1 Introducing Parallel & Perpendicular Lines
Session 2 Parallels, Perpendiculars & Angles
Session 3 Line Symmetry
Session 4 Polygon Detectives
Session 5 Polygon Riddles
Session 6 Polygon Bingo
Module 3
Area & Perimeter
Session 1 Measuring Area
Session 2 Measuring Perimeter
Session 3 Area & Perimeter Formulas
Session 4 Hexarights
Module 4
Angles in Motion
Session 1 Human Angles
Session 2 Geometry Measurement Problems
Session 3 Geometry Measurement Problems Forum
Session 4 Unit 5 Post-Assessment