A Look Ahead:
Tues, 2/12-Board of Education Meeting at Prairieview School-7:00pm
Thurs 2/14 - Valentine's Classroom Parties 1:30-2:15pm
Thurs 2/14 - Valentine's Classroom Parties 1:30-2:15pm
Fri 2/15 - No School (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
Mon 2/18 - No School (President's Day)
Thurs 2/21 - Spring Picture Day

Spelling - Unit 18 - "ch" & "tch"
Words this week will contain the letters "ch" or "tch". Students will learn that if the final "ch" sound comes after a consonant or a two-letter vowel, the ending is -ch. If the final "ch" sound follows a one letter vowel, it's usually written -tch. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 2/8.
Reading - "Journeys"
We will finish our study of the story Grandfather's Journey. After completing some comprehension work, we will write a paragraph that uses text proof to compare the author to his grandfather and use that information to conclude how their similarities helped the author to feel close to his grandfather.
English - Explanatory Writing
We will begin our study of explanatory writing with a look at "hooks". Students will learn about different types of hooks and look for examples of hooks in literature. I will model how to write an original hook while writing a "whole class" essay on why Lou Gehrig is considered a hero. Students will then begin writing their own explanatory essay about who is a hero in his/her life.
Social Studies - Chapter 8/Lesson 2 - "The Badlands"
Our focus in Social Studies will be on the geography of the Midwest. We will study how the Badlands were formed and also brush up on our map skills.
Science - "Energy Conversions"
As we continue to search for a solution to the blackout in Ergstown, we will focus on how engineers solve problems in the real world.
Spelling - Unit 18 - "ch" & "tch"
Words this week will contain the letters "ch" or "tch". Students will learn that if the final "ch" sound comes after a consonant or a two-letter vowel, the ending is -ch. If the final "ch" sound follows a one letter vowel, it's usually written -tch. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 2/8.
Reading - "Journeys"
We will finish our study of the story Grandfather's Journey. After completing some comprehension work, we will write a paragraph that uses text proof to compare the author to his grandfather and use that information to conclude how their similarities helped the author to feel close to his grandfather.
English - Explanatory Writing
We will begin our study of explanatory writing with a look at "hooks". Students will learn about different types of hooks and look for examples of hooks in literature. I will model how to write an original hook while writing a "whole class" essay on why Lou Gehrig is considered a hero. Students will then begin writing their own explanatory essay about who is a hero in his/her life.
Social Studies - Chapter 8/Lesson 2 - "The Badlands"
Our focus in Social Studies will be on the geography of the Midwest. We will study how the Badlands were formed and also brush up on our map skills.
Science - "Energy Conversions"
As we continue to search for a solution to the blackout in Ergstown, we will focus on how engineers solve problems in the real world.
Mrs. Spakausky and Mr. Kowalsky's- Math Class -Unit Four Addition and Subtraction
Module 3-Measurement
Session 1 Measurement
Session 2 Distance Challenge
Session 3 It’s About Time
Session 4 Liquid Volume
Session 5 Mass Amounts
Module 4-Measurement and Data Displays
Session 1 Measuring Hand Spans & Arm Spans
Session 2 Looking at Data Displays
Session 3 Unit 4 Post-Assessment
Unit 4 test will probably be at the end of this week or beginning of next week.