4/10 - 4/19 - 4th Grade IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) Testing
IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) testing
The schedule is as follows:
4/10 - Reading #1
4/11 - Reading #2
4/12 - Math #1
4/15 - Math #2
4/16 - Math #3
4/17-18 - Make-ups.
All testing will be in the morning. Please make sure that your child comes to school each day with a fully charged Chromebook and headphones.
Your child will be able to do his/her best when he/she is well rested and has had a healthy breakfast before coming to school. There will be limited time for a snack before the tests, as we are taking them first thing in the morning. ---"Don't stress - just do your BEST!"
Thurs 4/18 - Early Dismissal 11:00am - Spirit Day (Baseball season is here! Wear your favorite baseball team shirt.)
Fri 4/19 - No School (Non-Attendance Day) & Midterm of 3rd trimester
Wed 4/24 - PV Spring Open House & Book Fair
Tues. 5/14-Edward Tulane Play
Just Look Book, Social Studies Presentations

Spelling - Unit 25 - Prefixes im-, in-, and un-
The prefixes "im-", "in-", and "un-" are the focus of this week's spelling lesson. In addition to the list of words to spell, students will study the meaning of these prefixes and how they change the meaning of the root words that they are attached to. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 4/12.

Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
We will finish the book this week and take an end of the book test on Friday.
Students will also begin writing some poems based on their hero essays. The poems will be part of a class book that I will submit for publishing to Scholastic. Look for information about our class book to come home soon!
Social Studies - "Land and Resources of the Southwest"
The Southwest People-Navajo-have been really interesting to learn about. We will be working on some Navajo art projects that go with this unit.
Science - Energy Conversions
We will continue to synthesize ideas about electrical systems failures and be introduced to the electrical grid. Below are pictures of students working together to create electrical systems that will fail. They then joined with another group whose goal it was to decide why the system would fail and how to fix it.
Mrs. Spakausky and Mr. Kowalsky's Math Class: Unit 6-Multiplication and Division, Data and Fractions
The students will be finishing Module 1-Multiplication & Division Strategies.
Then we will begin Module 2, Wednesday.
In Module 2 we will be studying:
Session 1 Area Problems
Session 2 Investigating Perimeter
Session 3 Perimeter Problems
Session 4 Area or Perimeter
Session 5 Area & Perimeter Checkpoint