Mon 9/16 & Tues 9/17 - PV Beginning Band Sign Up Conferences 4:00-8:00pm
Fri 9/27 - PV Movie Night 6:30-8:45pm
Wed 10/2 - Early dismissal at 11:00am
Mon 10/14 - No school (Columbus Day)
Tues 10/29 & Wed 10/30 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
On Monday, 9/16, Fountas & Pinnell (F&P) testing will take place for all fourth-grade students. The test measures students' reading fluency and comprehension. Your child will work one on one with me reading aloud and answering text related question. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know your child as a reader and also provides us with another tool for measuring his/her reading skill.
During the week of 9/16, all fourth students will take two reading common assessments and one math common assessment. The purpose of these tests is to provide data for the teachers that will help to drive instruction. The results will not be entered into the grade book. Students are encouraged to do their best and do NOT stress!
Pics from Friday...A Visit from our new social work, Ms. Karen! Ms. Karen introduced herself, read a great story and did an activity with the students.
A great way to end our Friday...a band concert!!! 8th graders from Lakeview came to perform for our Panthers!
Our morning meeting--=
Captured some pictures of our class participating in a morning "Knock, knock" greeting!
Spelling - Unit 3
This week's spelling/vocabulary list will include words with the sounds "ou", "aw", "au" and "ow". We will study the word pattern and review antonyms as they are related to the vocabulary words. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 9/20.
English - What is a Sentence?
Mr. Morton has come to town! Types of sentences and subjects and predicates will be our focus this week. The Tale of Mr. Morton is a Schoolhouse Rock song that helps students to understand the concept of subject and predicate. Looks like it's time to warm up our opera voices!
Students will also independently complete a graded review of lessons 1-3 on 9/20. They will be asked to identify types of sentences and to correctly add the end marks that match each sentence type. To prepare for the review, students should look over their practice pages and textbook pages 36-39.
Reading - "Casey at the Bat"
Our close read of Casey at the Bat continues with a look at using context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words, author's perspective and text to text comparison.
Social Studies - The Beautiful Northeast
In chapter 4, lesson 1, we learned about Niagara Falls, the mountain ranges of the northeast and the coastline of the northeast.
This week we will continue our study of the Northeast, with lesson 2. The students will read and learn about the different resources. Grapes and cranberries are two important products grown in the Northeast. We will also learn that Vermont is a leading producer of maple syrup.
Science - Energy Conversions
Our first exposure to science this year will be an activity in which students use their observation skills while examining a common item, in this case, their hands.
Then midweek, we will kick off our science unit, on Energy Conversions, with students sharing what they know about energy conversions on a pre-assessment. By Friday, we will lay the foundation for the unit by taking a look at a simple system.
Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class-Unit 1: Expressions, Equations and Volume
Module 1-Models for Multiplication and Division-The students will learn how to interpret products of whole numbers using number lines, ratio tables, and rectangular rays.
Module 2-Primes and Composites
Module 3-Multiplicative Comparisons and Equations
Module 4-Measurement Experiences (linear measurement, mass/weight, volume and capacity)
PDF copies of the Bridges workbooks are always available via Google Classroom. Pages from the workbooks may be printed using a Chromebook, a desktop or laptop computer.