I hope everyone had a nice winter break!
Welcome Back!
Spelling - Unit 13 - Homographs
This week's list will consist of homographs. Homographs are two or more words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and sometimes different pronunciations. For example, the word pitcher is a homograph. A pitcher is a player who delivers the ball to a batter or a large container with a handle used for holding and pouring liquids. The final TEST for the homograph lesson will be on Friday, 11/10.
Reading- Greek Mythology
We will begin our study of Greek Mythology with a look at the myth of Hercules. We will also focus on the skill of summarizing. A summary is a shortened version of a story that retells all the important parts of the story in sequence. We will work as a team to summarize the Hercules myth.
After this, I will introduce a mythology project that focuses on personalized learning. Students may choose to work individually or in a small group to complete a project from a given list. Each group will be assigned a different myth. The project will include a written piece and a presentation. Project details will eventually be posted on Google Classroom if you are interested in viewing the details.
English - Explanatory Writing
We will begin our study of explanatory writing with a look at "hooks". Students will learn about different types of hooks and look for examples of hooks in literature. I will model how to write an original hook while writing a "whole class" essay on why
Lou Gehrig is considered a hero. I will also introduce how to write key ideas. Students will then begin writing their own explanatory essay about who is a hero in his/her life.
Social Studies - The Southeast - "The Cherokee"
We will finish our study of the Native Americans of the Southeast, The Cherokee. We will take a look at how their culture and traditions began and how they continue to keep them alive in modern times.
An open book/note QUIZ on the Cherokee is scheduled for this week.
We will finish our study of the Native Americans of the Southeast, The Cherokee. We will take a look at how their culture and traditions began and how they continue to keep them alive in modern times.
An open book/note QUIZ on the Cherokee is scheduled for this week.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
We do not have a specific Second Step lesson this week. We will read the book A Girl with a Cape which is the story of a child whose act of kindness spreads throughout a community. The book will be the springboard for activities that focus on kindness.
We will also look at the SEL Wheel and see how this relates to our life as a child and student.

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class
Unit 4:Addition, Subtraction & Measurement
Here is an overview of Unit 4.
Unit 4 Pre-Assessment
Work Place Guide 4A Target One Thousand
4A Target One Thousand Record Sheet
Unit 4 Work Place Log
Tiny Squares Grid
Unit 4 Pre-Assessment Student Reflection Sheet
Work Place Guide 4B Add, Round & Compare
4B Add, Round & Compare Record Sheet
Addition Algorithm Practice
Think Before You Add
Addition Strategies Work Sample
Place Value & Addition Checkpoint
Module 2
Subtraction Algorithm Practice
Think Before You Subtract
Subtraction Strategies Work Sample
Work Place Guide 4C Roll & Subtract One Thousand
Roll & Subtract One Thousand Record Sheet
Module 3
Subtraction Checkpoint
Record Measures
Distance Challenge Flyer
Work Place Guide 4D Target Five
4D Target Five Record Sheet
Module 4
Fourth Grade Arm Spans
Arm Spans in Ms. Wu’s Class
Unit 4 Post-Assessment
Family Unit 4 Overview:
Student Book Link:
Home Connections Link:
Home Connections Answer Key:
IXL Skills Practice related to Bridges:
We will also look at the SEL Wheel and see how this relates to our life as a child and student.

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class
Unit 4:Addition, Subtraction & Measurement
Here is an overview of Unit 4.
This week the students will take the pretest and start on Place Value & the Standard Algorithm and The Standard Subtraction Algorithm. I've attached some links that might be helpful to you during this unit.
I hope it helps.
Module 1Unit 4 Pre-Assessment
Work Place Guide 4A Target One Thousand
4A Target One Thousand Record Sheet
Unit 4 Work Place Log
Tiny Squares Grid
Unit 4 Pre-Assessment Student Reflection Sheet
Work Place Guide 4B Add, Round & Compare
4B Add, Round & Compare Record Sheet
Addition Algorithm Practice
Think Before You Add
Addition Strategies Work Sample
Place Value & Addition Checkpoint
Module 2
Subtraction Algorithm Practice
Think Before You Subtract
Subtraction Strategies Work Sample
Work Place Guide 4C Roll & Subtract One Thousand
Roll & Subtract One Thousand Record Sheet
Module 3
Subtraction Checkpoint
Record Measures
Distance Challenge Flyer
Work Place Guide 4D Target Five
4D Target Five Record Sheet
Module 4
Fourth Grade Arm Spans
Arm Spans in Ms. Wu’s Class
Unit 4 Post-Assessment
Family Unit 4 Overview:
Student Book Link:
Home Connections Link:
Home Connections Answer Key:
IXL Skills Practice related to Bridges: