Friday, February 7, 2020

Feb. 10-15

Congrats to Phillip, our January PRIDE! 
Winner for Improvement!

The mythology projects were a huge success! It was fun to watch students work together to 
create their presentations.


2/6-2/12 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (Focus on math)
2/13 - Valentine's Day Celebration - 1:30
Our Valentine's Day celebration is scheduled for the afternoon of 2/13. The format of our party will include a service project. Students will be making Valentine's Day cards for the veterans at Hines Hospital. Students may bring Valentine's Day cards to exchange with their classmates. I am requesting that they do not write individual names on cards to keep things simple. 
2/14 - No School
2/17 - No School - Presidents' Day
W. 2/19-Prairieview McTeacher Night at McDonald's in Darien on February 19.

Spelling -  Unit 17 - Words with the Suffix "-tion"
This week's list includes words with the suffix "-tion". Students will learn that when the suffix "-tion" is added to a verb, the word becomes a noun. When "-tion" is added to a word that ends in an "e" or "t", the "e" or "t" is dropped. The final TEST for this lesson will be on Thursday, 2/13.

Reading - Unit 1 - Courage
Students will work on their Profile in Courage project in class next week. Please refer to the rubric on Google Classroom to see how they will be assessed.

English - Explanatory Writing
The handwritten rough draft of the hero essay is due on Tuesday, 2/11. Students will spend time in class proofreading and editing. The final typed copy is due on 2/18.

Social Studies - The Midwest-The Badlands of South Dakota
We will continue our study of the amazing geography of the Badlands.

Science - Energy Conversions
Our focus in Science will be on investigating energy sources via digital simulations and text.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) - Avoiding Jumping to Conclusions
The topic for this week's SEL discussion will be how calming down strong emotions can help you think clearly about a situation so you can avoid jumping to conclusions. This lesson will help students to identify emotion-management strategies, to demonstrate assertiveness skills, and to identify/demonstrate positive self-talk statements. The Home Link activity will give your child the opportunity to explain and to practice what they have learned with you.

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class-Unit 4:Addition, Subtraction & Measurement

The UNIT 4 Math TEST will be on Tuesday, Feb. 11th!  The study guide went home Fri. 2/7 and is due on Tuesday.  I will attach the link to the Jeopardy game we played in class, in case you want to review with them at home.  I am also attaching the IXL practice.

Jeopardy Game Unit 4

IXL Skills Practice related to Bridges-Unit 4

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...