Monday, September 25, 2023

Spakausky's Scoop for the week of 9/25-9/29, 2023

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link;

Spakausky's Scoop

SEL Update:
We will continue to study about respecting others.

Lesson 1 is about "Empathy and Respect."  
The topic is "Learning how to be ASSERTIVE" 
Being assertive helps you communicate what you need or want in a way that is respectful toward others!
Sometimes the way you hold your body can send a message to other people about what you want or how you want to be treated.

Reading - Unit 1 - Theme: "What Makes Us Who We Are/Identity"
This week we will:

Read and study vocabulary in the story:
*The Year of the Rat

Skill focus:
*Monitor and Clarify as we read
*Identify the Author's Purpose
*Identify the Point of View
*Discuss Character Traits

Vocabulary for the stories:
(We will QUIZ the words on FRIDAY, Sept. 29)

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class
The students will investigate factors and factor pairs for numbers between 1 and 100. They will multiply using the commutative property.They will determine whether a whole number between 1-100 is a prime or composite number.  The students will also review the strategies they used to solve basic multiplication facts.

Module 1-Models for Multiplication and Division-
Module 2-Primes and Composites
Module 3-Multiplicative Comparisons and Equations
Module 4-Measurement Experiences (linear measurement, mass/weight, volume and capacity)

The Unit 1 TEST will be on Thursday, 9/28!  A study guide will come home this week.

Social Studies  - Chapter 4-"Land and Water in the Northeast"
We will continue our study of the Northeast.  We will read and learn about the different resources.  

Lesson 1-The Beautiful Northeast-incredible scenery and magnificent natural formations
Lesson 2-Resources of the Northeast-products for the world
Lesson 3-The Plentiful Sea-Chesapeake Bay and other bays in the NE

Science: Mystery Science
We will start with an introductory lesson called, Owl Ambush!

Our learning targets are:
I can generate observations and questions. 

I can create a model to explain how the owl’s body systems work together to catch prey. 

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...