Animal Assisted Therapy Program-Edward Hospital
$532 worth of donations have been collected!
Deadline for donating is Tuesday, 11/26!
Deadline for donating is Tuesday, 11/26!

Think Enegy-
Thanks for participating in this!!!
- Coming up next:Dates:Tues. Nov. 26-Service Project Money due!!!Nov. 27-29-NO SCHOOL-Happy Thanksgiving!Tues., Dec. 27-Early DismissalSpelling: Lesson :NO SPELLING NEXT WEEK :)
English: Chapter 2-"Nouns"We will:*What is a Nouns?*Common and Proper Nouns*Singular and Plural Nouns*Singular Possessive Nouns*Plural Possessive Nouns*Writing with NounsTEST on Nouns-Monday, November 25th!(start studying now-Social Studies test is on that day too)Reading: Novel Study
Have your child summarize what they've read so far in their new novels!!!
In chapter 5 we have finished Lesson 1 and will be starting Lesson 2 next week.
Lesson 1-*1607-Jamestown-
Key terms---Hard Times in Virginia, The Spanish Armada, John Smith, Self-Government in Virginia
Lesson 2-*1609-Hudson River
Key terms---New European Colonies, French and Dutch Settlements, New Amsterdam Grows
Lesson 3-*1620-Plymouth
Key terms---The First Colonies, The Pilgrims, The Mayflower, Thanksgiving, The Puritans Arrive, The Puritan Way of Life
Lesson 4-*1682-PhiladelphiaKey terms---The 13 Colonies, New England Colonies, The Middle Colonies, The Southern Colonies, How the Colonies GrewTEST on Ch. 5-Monday, November 25th!(start studying now-English-Nouns test is on that day too)
Science: Unit on Barn Owls
Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class:Chapter 3-:Divide by a One-Digit Divisor
Common Core State Standards:5.NBT.6-Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
Chapter 2:*Relate Division to Multiplication*Two-Digit Dividends*Division Patterns*Estimate Quotients*Division of Greater Numbers*Distributive Property and Partial Quotients*Divide Three-and -Four Digit Dividends*Place the first Digit*Quotients with Zeros*Interpreting the Remainder*Problem SolvingTEST on Ch. 3-Monday, November 25th!