Think Energy Presentation
School-Community Service Project
Animal Assisted
Therapy Program-Edward Hospital
Prairieview School, in Downers Grove, (3rd,
4th and 5th Graders) is proud to have an opportunity to
sponsor an Edward Hospital therapy dog. The students are looking forward to
sponsoring, Kodi.
Prairieview School will take donations
until November 19th!
If you want to learn more about this Animal Assisted
Therapy Program go the the following link:

Donations due Tuesday!

Think Enegy-
Today your child participated in THINK ENERGY! Representatives from Nicor and ComEd come to Prarieview to present this program to our 5th grade. The goal of this program is to help students and their families learn together about energy and how to use it more wisely, save money, and help conserve natural resources!
The children will be bringing home a TAKE ACTION KIT which involves family participation. A student guide is provided to help you get started. If you need help with an item, there is a toll free number on the kit's box or visit:
Learn How to Install the Devices in Your Kit | Think! Energy
Lastly, in the kit there is a YELLOW "HOME ENERGY WORKSHEET" that is very easy to fill out.COMPLETE AND RETURN SHEET TO SCHOOL BY FRIDAY, 11/22
Coming up next:Dates:
Wed. Nov. 20-Early Dismissal
Nov. 27-29-NO SCHOOL-Happy Thanksgiving!Spelling: Lesson 12:Monday-PretestHomework due Thursday
English: Chapter 2-"Nouns"We will:*What is a Nouns?*Common and Proper Nouns*Singular and Plural Nouns*Singular Possessive Nouns*Plural Possessive Nouns*Writing with NounsTEST on Nouns-Monday, November 25th!(start studying now-Social Studies test is on that day too)Reading: Novel Study
The students will find out on Monday what book they will be reading.
In chapter 5 we have finished Lesson 1 and will be starting Lesson 2 next week.
Lesson 1-*1607-Jamestown-
Key terms---Hard Times in Virginia, The Spanish Armada, John Smith, Self-Government in Virginia
Lesson 2-*1609-Hudson River
Key terms---New European Colonies, French and Dutch Settlements, New Amsterdam Grows
Lesson 3-*1620-Plymouth
Key terms---The First Colonies, The Pilgrims, The Mayflower, Thanksgiving, The Puritans Arrive, The Puritan Way of Life
Lesson 4-*1682-PhiladelphiaKey terms---The 13 Colonies, New England Colonies, The Middle Colonies, The Southern Colonies, How the Colonies GrewTEST on Ch. 5-Monday, November 25th!(start studying now-English-Nouns test is on that day too)
Science: Unit on Barn Owls
Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class:Chapter 3-:Divide by a One-Digit Divisor
Common Core State Standards:5.NBT.6-Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
Chapter 2:*Relate Division to Multiplication*Two-Digit Dividends*Division Patterns*Estimate Quotients*Division of Greater Numbers*Distributive Property and Partial Quotients*Divide Three-and -Four Digit Dividends*Place the first Digit*Quotients with Zeros*Interpreting the Remainder*Problem Solving