Congratulations, Ben!
PRIDE! Winner for the month of February.
"Calm Classroom" Focus Activity
Penny's on the forehead....ask your child about this focus and relaxation activity. :)
Midwest Celebration for Social Studies

Important Dates:
March 16-- Wheels Levers and Pulleys program
Mon, Mar 26th Spring Break begins
Tues, April 3rd - Classes resume
Reading: We will continue to read The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane. The students are completing journal response questions as we read through the chapters. The focus is making sure text evidence is provided in their response as well as answering the question completely.
Time For Kids: There will be a Time For Kids quiz on Thursday.
Spelling/English: Unit 22 - An adjective is a word that describes a noun. This week's lesson consists of a collection of adjectives and a review of similes and metaphors. The final test is scheduled for Friday, 3/16.
Social Studies: We will begin our study of the Southwest. There will be a map quiz on Thursday. The students will also be designing a travel brochure for one of the southwest states. They will use a variety of resources for their brochure.
Science: Chapter 17: Machines
We will begin our unit on Simple Machines. This week the students will learn what a scientist means by work, what a simple machine is and how a lever changes the way work is done.
Mrs. Spakausky and Mrs. K.'s Math Class: Unit 5: Geometry and Measurement
This week we will review acute, straight, obtuse and right angles. We will focus on measuring angles with a protractor.