Reading: This week we will continue our "Journeys" Unit. We will begin reading the novel The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. This story tells the tale of a china rabbit who goes on an adventure and learns how to love. We will begin by close reading an excerpt from the first chapter.
English: We are working on our friend essays. We will also focus on adjectives in our writing this week.
Spelling: Unit 21 - Relative Adverbs, Relative Pronouns, Reading content words
This week's lesson will include the spelling and use of relative adverbs, relative pronouns, and content words. A relative adverb relates back to a time, place or reason to provide more details about a noun. A relative pronoun relates back to something or someone else. The reading content words are familiar to students, and they should be able to spell them and to apply them (Example: identify a simile or a metaphor.)The final test is scheduled for Friday, 3/9.
Social Studies: We will complete our study of the Midwest. There will be an open book quiz on Friday covering what we have learned about the Ojibwa. On Friday we will also have our Midwest Resource Day and enjoy some of the foods from the Midwest.
Mrs. Spakausky's and Mrs. K.'s Math Class: We will continue Unit Five Geometry and Measurement. This week we will focus on angles. The students will become familiar with acute, straight, obtuse and right angles. We will learn how to use a protractor to measure angles later in the week.