Coming Up:
Tuesday, June 4 - PV Field Day / Talent Show
Wednesday, June 5-Early Dismissal and LAST DAY of SCHOOL
The last session with our Reading Buddies!
Math Class playing a Decimal and Fraction Game to reinforce skills we are learning in Unit 7!
We are coming to the end of our novel study. I am so proud of the growth that I have seen in the reading skills of the students. Their ability to interpret and make inferences about text has grown in leaps and bounds from the beginning of the year. So many of them have told me that they love this book.
English - Poetry

Our 4th grade poets will continue to write poems for their poetry book. Has your child shared their poems with you yet? If not, have them open up their reading classroom and show you what they have been working on. This week students will write a concrete poem, color poem, 5-W's poem, personal poem of choice and create the cover for their books.
Social Studies - The West
The last session with our Reading Buddies!
Math Class playing a Decimal and Fraction Game to reinforce skills we are learning in Unit 7!
Spelling - None
Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - A Poetic Journey

An open book comprehension QUIZ for the novel Love That Dog is scheduled for Thursday, 5/30.
English - Poetry

Our 4th grade poets will continue to write poems for their poetry book. Has your child shared their poems with you yet? If not, have them open up their reading classroom and show you what they have been working on. This week students will write a concrete poem, color poem, 5-W's poem, personal poem of choice and create the cover for their books.
Social Studies - The West
Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class:
This week we will look at Module 3, Introducing the Standard Multiplication Algorithm, students review strategies for solving single- and double-digit multiplication combinations, with a particular focus on the use of the area model and partial products. In the second session, the teacher introduces the standard algorithm for multiplying 2- and 3-digit by 1-digit numbers. In the third session, students consider when the standard algorithm is best used and when other strategies might make more sense. Sessions 4 and 5 lay the groundwork for an introduction to the standard algorithm for 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication.
The UNIT 7 TEST is on FRIDAY, MAY 31st!