Mrs. Linde came to our class to discuss her trip to the Southwest. We enjoyed listening to her speech and seeing her slides of the Grand Canyon. Ask your child what they learned from her and why she went.
This week's spelling list contains words with the Greek/Latin roots of mega, ped, sub and meter. We will study and apply the meanings of these roots. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 5/24. This is the last spelling lesson of the year.
Week 32 -
Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - A Poetic Journey
We will continue the novel study of Love that Dog. Students are having fun searching for figurative language in the novel and in the supplementary poems.
English - Poetry

Students will write a concrete poem, a cinquain poem that includes the use of hyperbole and a creature alliteration poem this week. Poetry books will be completed the week of 5/27.
Social Studies - The West
Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class:
This week we will look at Module 2 Decimals & Decimal Fractions After reviewing the hundredths grid, students will work in pairs to cut a grid apart and rearrange the columns to form a single meter-long strip. They use their decimal strips to represent, compare, order, and add fractions with denominators 10 and 100.
In Module 3, Introducing the Standard Multiplication Algorithm, students review strategies for solving single- and double-digit multiplication combinations, with a particular focus on the use of the area model and partial products. In the second session, the teacher introduces the standard algorithm for multiplying 2- and 3-digit by 1-digit numbers. In the third session, students consider when the standard algorithm is best used and when other strategies might make more sense. Sessions 4 and 5 lay the groundwork for an introduction to the standard algorithm for 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication.