Enjoy Pics from our Northeast Feast
Coming Up:
Thurs 10/24 - Picture Retakes (This is a rescheduled date.)
Thurs. 10/24, Tues 10/29 & Wed 10/30 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fri 11/1 - No School (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
Mon 11/4 - No School (Teacher Institute)
Fri 11/8 - PV PTO Family Bingo Night 6:30-8:00pm
Mon 11/11 - Veteran's Day Assembly 8:10am
Thurs 11/21 - PV Roller Skating Party 3:30-6:30pm
Fri 11/22 - End of 1st trimester
Wed 11/27- Fri 11/29 - No School Thanksgiving Break
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
There will not be a formal Second Step lesson this week. Instead, we will spend our morning meetings doing team-building activities. We will also be practicing more "Calm Classroom" breathing techniques. Be sure to ask your child about these activities. On Friday, the entire fourth grade will play a game of SEL Bingo. The game will review the topics that have been taught since the beginning of the year which include empathy, listening with attention, being assertive, and respecting similarities and differences.
Spelling - Unit 7 - "Suffixes "-ness", "-less", and "-en"
This week's spelling/vocabulary list will include words with the suffixes -ness, -less, and-en. We will study the definitions of these suffixes and how to determine the meaning of unknown words by breaking the words into base words and suffixes and by using context clues. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 10/18.
Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"
English - Capitalization & Punctuation
This chapter in English focuses on the correct use of capitalization and punctuation. The first few lessons review sentence structure, the capitalization of names, people, places and pets, and abbreviations.
Social Studies - The Northeast
The final draft, which will be typed, of the Northeast Trip descriptive paragraph is due on Wednesday, 10/16. Students should submit their projects through Google Classroom by 8:00 a.m. that day.
We will complete our study of the NE region with a look at the Native Americans of the area, the Narragansetts. Our focus will be on the culture and traditions of the group and how they have changed over time. We will also spend some time creating the Northeast portion of a United States Map. This is a year-long activity that is completed region by region.
Science - Energy Conversions
Students will work with a Science simulation APP to create and modify electrical energy systems. Students will finish the simulation to create energy systems and learn to define an electrical device.
Here is an overview of Unit 2. The highlighted areas are the focus of the week!
Module 1
Building Multiplication Arrays
Session 1 The Great Wall of Base Ten
Session 2 Unit 2 Pre-Assessment
Session 3 Metric Units of Linear & Area Measurement
Session 4 Multiplying by Ten
Session 5 Building Multiplication Arrays
Module 2
Arrays & Ratio Tables
Session 1 Sketching Multiplication Arrays
Session 2 Quick Sketches & Strategies
Session 3 Multiplying by Ten, One Hundred & One Thousand
Session 4 Building Ratio Tables
Session 5 Multiplying Single Digits by Multiples of Ten
Module 3
Multiplication Stories & Strategies
Session 1 Multiplication Story Problems
Session 2 Multiplication Story Problems
Session 3 Doubling & Halving
Session 4 Multiplying with Money& Units of Metric Measure
Session 5 Another Look at Multiplication Strategies
Module 4
Early Division with Remainders
Session 1 A Remainder of One
Session 2 What Can You Do with the Remainder?
Session 3 Remainders Win
Session 4 Multiplication & Division
Session 5 Unit 2 Post-Assessment