Sunday, October 20, 2019

Oct. 21-25

Ending our week with some Social Emotional Learning (SEL) BINGO, during a grade level assembly!
What FUN!

PRIZES given!!!

Coming Up:
Thurs 10/24 - Picture Retakes (This is a rescheduled date.)
Thurs. 10/24, Tues 10/29 & Wed 10/30 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fri 11/1 - No School (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
Mon 11/4 - No School (Teacher Institute)
Fri 11/8 - PV PTO Family Bingo Night 6:30-8:00pm
Mon 11/11 - Veteran's Day Assembly 8:10am
Thurs 11/21 - PV Roller Skating Party 3:30-6:30pm
Fri 11/22 - End of 1st trimester
Wed 11/27- Fri 11/29 - No School Thanksgiving Break

SEL:  Lesson 5: Understanding Complex Feelings
Concepts Objectives--
It is possible to have more than one feeling at the same time.
Being able to understand that others might have complex feelings is an important part of empathy.
Students will be able to:
Identify multiple feelings in a given scenario.
Give possible reasons for multiple feelings.

Spelling -  Unit 8 - Grade Appropriate & Domain-Specific Vocabulary
This week's spelling/vocabulary list will include a variety of words that are appropriate for 4th-grade students. Instead of studying a spelling rule, we will focus on the definition of these words and how they might be used in reading and writing. Part of this week's lesson will also highlight how to use reference materials such as a dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, and encyclopedia. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 10/25.

Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"
Next week's task in reading will be to close read the fiction piece titled, Happy Birthday Dr. King. Students will work in small groups to answer text-dependent questions and to use context clues to find meanings of unknown words. They will also be creating a digital notebook of vocabulary words for the story.

English - Capitalization & Punctuation
Commas in a series and other uses for commas are our topics next week.

Social Studies -  The Northeast / The Narragansett
We will complete our study of the NE region with a look at the Native Americans of the area, the Narragansetts. Our focus will be on the culture and traditions of the group and how they have changed over time.

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Unit 2:  Multi-Digit Multiplication & Early Division
Here is an overview of Unit 2.  The highlighted areas are the focus of the week!

Module 1
Building Multiplication Arrays
Session 1 The Great Wall of Base Ten
Session 2 Unit 2 Pre-Assessment
Session 3 Metric Units of Linear & Area Measurement
Session 4 Multiplying by Ten
Session 5 Building Multiplication Arrays

Module 2
Arrays & Ratio Tables
Session 1 Sketching Multiplication Arrays
Session 2 Quick Sketches & Strategies
Session 3 Multiplying by Ten, One Hundred & One Thousand
Session 4 Building Ratio Tables
Session 5 Multiplying Single Digits by Multiples of Ten

Module 3
Multiplication Stories & Strategies
Session 1 Multiplication Story Problems
Session 2 Multiplication Story Problems
Session 3 Doubling & Halving
Session 4 Multiplying with Money& Units of Metric Measure
Session 5 Another Look at Multiplication Strategies

Module 4
Early Division with Remainders
Session 1 A Remainder of One
Session 2 What Can You Do with the Remainder?
Session 3 Remainders Win
Session 4 Multiplication & Division
Session 5 Unit 2 Post-Assessment

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...