Thursday, December 15, 2011

January 2-6

Bowling Pictures!

Important Dates:
No School-Monday, Jan. 2nd
School Resumes-Tuesday, Jan. 3rd

After break we will be:

L 15-Pretest will be Tuesday, Jan. 3rd.
Work due on Thursday!
Test on Friday! 

We will be moving on to the unit on pronous.  In this unit we will cover:

Main Idea and Details are next! 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 12-16

Coming up this week:
Enjoy the pictures from today's band and choir concert!!!

Friday, December 16th-Last day of school before winter break
                                    Movie celebration in the P.M.

Tuesday, January 3rd-Classes Resume 

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class-
Chapter 23 is next!
We will learn about:
*How to find perimeter
*Perimeter formulas

Test on Chapter 23-Tuesday, December 13th!

L 14-Pretest Monday.
Work due on Thursday!
Test on Friday! 

Writing-We will work on persuasive writing and creative writing for the next two weeks!

We will continue to review the reading skills of inferring, generalizing, and recognizing the difference between fact and opinion.

Social Studies:
We have started Chapter 6 “Life in the English Colonies” continues. We will specifically study how the early colonists lived in cities, towns, and on farms.

Ch. 6-TEST on Wed., Dec. 14th! 

Science:Chapter 6-States of Matter
Matter:*the structure of matter
*physical properties and changes
*chemical properties and changes

TEST will be on Friday, December 16th!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

WELCOME DECEMBER!!! December 5 - 9

Coming up this week:

Friday, December 9th-Bowling 9-11:00AM
Friday, December 16th-Last day of school before winter break

                                    Movie celebration in the P.M.

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class-
Chapter 23 is next!
We will learn about:
*How to find perimeter
*Perimeter formulas

Test on Chapter 23-Tuesday, December 13th!

L 13-Pretest Monday.
Work due on Thursday!
Test on Friday! 

Writing-We will work on persuasive writing and creative writing for the next two weeks!

We will start the week introducing and reviewing the reading skills of inferring, generalizing, and recognizing the difference between fact and opinion.

We will be reading GRIZZLY BEAR FAMILY BOOK  in our literature books and filling out a generalizations chart while reading this selection. 
There will be various materials used to identify and differentiate between a fact and an opinion.
Social Studies:
We have started Chapter 6 “Life in the English Colonies” continues. We will specifically study how the early colonists lived in cities, towns, and on farms.

Ch. 6-TEST on Wed., Dec. 14th! 

Science:Chapter 6-States of Matter
We have started our states of matter chapter!
We will be learning about :

*the structure of matter
*physical properties and changes
*chemical properties and changes

TEST will be on Friday, December 16th!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nov. 21-Dec. 2

Enjoy the pictures from the assembly last week and the TRADE FAIR that was today.  We also have three students who did a skit on the book they read!

 Happy Thanksgiving!!!

All in a Word
- Aileen Fisher

T for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather.
H for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday.
A for autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart.
N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.
K for kitchen, kettles' croon, kith and kin expected soon.
S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds.
That spells - THANKS - for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.

BY Monday, two fiction books and one non-fiction book should have been read and your sheets should have been filled out and turned in.  The last day that I will accept these sheets will be on Monday.

On Monday, I will then ask, the students that qualify, if they would like to order a large slice of Home Run Inn pizza and jumbo sugar cookie for the party.  If the student is interested in the pizza from HRI, I will send home an order form with the price, on Monday.  Please return them by Tuesday!

The students may also buy a hot lunch or bring their own lunch for our reading party.

The reading party will be on Thursday, Dec. 1st!

Coming up this week:

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class-

What do mean, median, mode and range mean?  Ask your child to tell you the difference between each of these.  Quiz next week!

L 12 will be the week after Thanksgiving!!

Unit 2- Nouns 
 We will learn:
*What is a noun?
*Common and Proper Nouns
*Plural Nouns
*Possessive Nouns-Singular and Plural
UNIT 6 TEST will be on WEDNESDAY, November 30th! 

We wrote some cool turkey stories with our third grade reading buddies. What fun!!!


 We will be using prior knowledge and setting a purpose for reading while using a variety of materials with short stories and exerts. We will also be looking at the author's purpose of different written entertain, to inform, or to persuade.

Social Studies:

We have started Chapter 6 “Life in the English Colonies” continues. We will specifically study how the early colonists lived in cities, towns, and on farms.

Science:Chapter 6-States of Matter
We will start states of matter after Thanksgiving!!!

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...