Sunday, October 15, 2023

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link;

SEL Update:

There will not be a formal Second Step lesson this week. Instead, we will spend our morning meetings doing team-building activities. We will also be practicing more "Calm Classroom" breathing techniques.  

 We will review the topics that have been taught since the beginning of the year which include empathy, listening with attention, being assertive, and respecting similarities and differences.

Reading - Unit 1 - Theme: "Come to Your Senses"

This week we will:

Read and study vocabulary in the story
Genre: Infographic
*"What are the Five Senses"

Skill focus:
*Connect and Teach:  Finding the Central Idea as we read
*Engage and Respond to the text

Big Idea Words:

Social Studies  - Chapter 4-"Land and Water in the Northeast"

We will complete our study of the NE region with a look at the Native Americans of the area, the Narragansetts. Our focus will be on the culture and traditions of the group and how they have changed over time. 

Our Chapter 4, Lessons 1,2,3 and Chapter 5, Lesson 1 only TEST will be on Friday, 10/20!

Science: Mystery Science
Lesson 2 is on "Light, Eyes and Vision." 

What do people who are blind see?
I can statements for the first part of the lesson:

I can describe the different parts of the eye. 

I can discover how eyes work.

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Unit 2:  Multi-Digit Multiplication & Early Division

Here is an overview of Unit 2.  The highlighted areas are the focus of the week!

Module 1
Building Multiplication Arrays
Session 1 The Great Wall of Base Ten
Session 2 Unit 2 Pre-Assessment 
Session 3 Metric Units of Linear & Area Measurement 
Session 4 Multiplying by Ten
Session 5 Building Multiplication Arrays 

Module 2
Arrays & Ratio Tables 
Session 1 Sketching Multiplication Arrays 
Session 2 Quick Sketches & Strategies
Session 3 Multiplying by Ten, One Hundred & One Thousand 
Session 4 Building Ratio Tables
Session 5 Multiplying Single Digits by Multiples of Ten

Module 3
Multiplication Stories & Strategies
Session 1 Multiplication Story Problems
Session 2 Multiplication Story Problems
Session 3 Doubling & Halving
Session 4 Multiplying with Money& Units of Metric Measure
Session 5 Another Look at Multiplication Strategies

Module 4
Early Division with Remainders
Session 1 A Remainder of One
Session 2 What Can You Do with the Remainder?
Session 3 Remainders Win
Session 4 Multiplication & Division
Session 5 Unit 2 Post-Assessment

Monday, September 25, 2023

Spakausky's Scoop for the week of 9/25-9/29, 2023

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link;

Spakausky's Scoop

SEL Update:
We will continue to study about respecting others.

Lesson 1 is about "Empathy and Respect."  
The topic is "Learning how to be ASSERTIVE" 
Being assertive helps you communicate what you need or want in a way that is respectful toward others!
Sometimes the way you hold your body can send a message to other people about what you want or how you want to be treated.

Reading - Unit 1 - Theme: "What Makes Us Who We Are/Identity"
This week we will:

Read and study vocabulary in the story:
*The Year of the Rat

Skill focus:
*Monitor and Clarify as we read
*Identify the Author's Purpose
*Identify the Point of View
*Discuss Character Traits

Vocabulary for the stories:
(We will QUIZ the words on FRIDAY, Sept. 29)

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class
The students will investigate factors and factor pairs for numbers between 1 and 100. They will multiply using the commutative property.They will determine whether a whole number between 1-100 is a prime or composite number.  The students will also review the strategies they used to solve basic multiplication facts.

Module 1-Models for Multiplication and Division-
Module 2-Primes and Composites
Module 3-Multiplicative Comparisons and Equations
Module 4-Measurement Experiences (linear measurement, mass/weight, volume and capacity)

The Unit 1 TEST will be on Thursday, 9/28!  A study guide will come home this week.

Social Studies  - Chapter 4-"Land and Water in the Northeast"
We will continue our study of the Northeast.  We will read and learn about the different resources.  

Lesson 1-The Beautiful Northeast-incredible scenery and magnificent natural formations
Lesson 2-Resources of the Northeast-products for the world
Lesson 3-The Plentiful Sea-Chesapeake Bay and other bays in the NE

Science: Mystery Science
We will start with an introductory lesson called, Owl Ambush!

Our learning targets are:
I can generate observations and questions. 

I can create a model to explain how the owl’s body systems work together to catch prey. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Spakausky's Scoop for 9/18-22, 2023

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link;

Spakausky's Scoop

SEL Update:
We will continue to study about respecting others.

Lesson 1 is about "Empathy and Respect."  
The topic is "Listening with Attention." 
Skills to practice:
*Focus on the person’s words
*Don’t interrupt
*Ask questions to find out more
*Repeat what you heard to show you understand

Reading - Unit 1 - Theme: "What Makes Us Who We Are/Identity"
In Week Two of ELA we will:

Read and study vocabulary in the story/stories: 
*Yes! We Are Latinos
*The Year of the Rat

Skill focus:
*Monitor and Clarify as we read
*Identify the Author's Purpose
*Identify the Point of View
*Discuss Character Traits

Vocabulary for the stories:

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class
The students will investigate factors and factor pairs for numbers between 1 and 100. They will multiply using the commutative property.They will determine whether a whole number between 1-100 is a prime or composite number.  The students will also review the strategies they used to solve basic multiplication facts.

Module 1-Models for Multiplication and Division-
Module 2-Primes and Composites
Module 3-Multiplicative Comparisons and Equations
Module 4-Measurement Experiences (linear measurement, mass/weight, volume and capacity)

Social Studies  - Chapter 4-"Land and Water in the Northeast"
We will continue our study of the Northeast.  We will read and learn about the different resources.  

Lesson 1-The Beautiful Northeast-incredible scenery and magnificent natural formations
Lesson 2-Resources of the Northeast-products for the world
Lesson 3-The Plentiful Sea-Chesapeake Bay and other bays in the NE

Science: Mystery Science
We will start with an introductory lesson called, Owl Ambush!

Our learning targets are:
I can generate observations and questions. 

I can create a model to explain how the owl’s body systems work together to catch prey. 

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...