Friday, May 31, 2013

June 3-5

Pics of:
Some talented people in our talent show this week and our
math class farewell!!

A peek at next week:

Mon., June 3rd-
Fifth grade talent show
Game/Field Day-pray for no rain
Reading/Cereal Box projects-we will work on
Bring a game to play in our board game tournament!
End of Year Picnic -hot dogs
Rope Warrior Assembly
Recognition Assembly for school

Tues., June 4th-
Bowling-bring money for snacks at bowling and bring a sack lunch for your lunch
Reading Project-cereal box work
Board game tournament continued

Wed., June 5th-
Yearbook signing
5th grade clap-out 9:15
Dismiss at -9:30

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 27-31

Jr. Achievement pics and Lakeview choir concert!

Dates to remember:

Mon. May 27th-No School-Memorial Day
Fri., May 31st-5th grade celebration/extra recess 1:30-2:00
Mon., June 3rd-End of Year Picnic and Game Day
Tues., June 4th-Bowling
Wed., June 5th-Last Day of School-1 Hour

Spelling:Lesson 32
No Pretest
Thursday-Assigned homework due

English: Unit 3-Verb
We will be studying:
*actions verbs
*main verbs and direct objects
*linking verbs
*present, past and future tense
*subject-verb agreement
*agreement with be and have
*contractions with not
*regular and irregular verbs
*verb phrases with have
*teach, learn: let, leave
*sit, set; can, may

No final English test, just quizzes throughout!

Reading: Informational Text:Novel Study

I need your help until the end of the year!
Please have them read their assignment to you or have them tell you what they read each night.
Next, they should complete their sheet assignment. 
Expect reading homework and a sheet each night for homework.
Please help out and check their sheet each night.  
Thanks for your help and support!!!

Social Studies: Chapter 11 -The Young United States

Lesson 1-1800-The federal government moves to a new capital city and George Washington.
Lesson 2-1805-Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific Ocean in their exploration of the West.
Lesson 3-1814-Francis Scott Key writes the "Star-Spangled Banner" while watching the battle of Fort McHenry.
Ch. 11 test-Wed. May 29th!

Science: Chapter 12-The Ocean
We will learn:
Lesson 1
What are Oceans Like?
Lesson 2
How Does Ocean Water Move?
Lesson 3
What Forces Shape Shorelines?
Ch. 12-Ocean Test-Thurs., May 30th!

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 15-Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions---Test Friday, May 24th

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 20-24

Having fun in ART!!!

Dates to remember:

Thurs., May16-5th grade to LV for musical
Fri., May 17th-Early Dismissal
Mon. May 20-Visit Lakeview
Wed., June 5th-Last Day of School-1 Hour

Spelling:Lesson 31
Thursday-Assigned homework due

English: Unit 3-Verb
We will be studying:
*actions verbs
*main verbs and direct objects
*linking verbs
*present, past and future tense
*subject-verb agreement
*agreement with be and have
*contractions with not
*regular and irregular verbs
*verb phrases with have
*teach, learn: let, leave
*sit, set; can, may

Reading: Informational Text:Novel Study

I need your help until the end of the year!
Please have them read their assignment to you or have them tell you what they read each night.
Next, they should complete their sheet assignment. 
Expect reading homework and a sheet each night for homework.
Please help out and check their sheet each night.  
Thanks for your help and support!!!

Social Studies: Chapter 11 -The Young United States

Lesson 1-1800-The federal government moves to a new capital city and George Washington.
Lesson 2-1805-Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific Ocean in their exploration of the West.
Lesson 3-1814-Francis Scott Key writes the "Star-Spangled Banner" while watching the battle of Fort McHenry.

Science: Chapter 12-The Ocean
We will learn:
Lesson 1
What are Oceans Like?
Lesson 2
How Does Ocean Water Move?
Lesson 3
What Forces Shape Shorelines?

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 15-Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions!

Friday, May 10, 2013

May 13-17

Happy Mother's Day!
Enjoy your beautiful day!

Enjoy pictures from this week's assembly
"Wheel of Wisdom"

Dates to remember:

Thurs., May16-5th grade to LV for musical
Fri., May 17th-Early Dismissal
Mon. May 20-Visit Lakeview
Wed., June 5th-Last Day of School-1 Hour

Spelling:Lesson 30
Thursday-Assigned homework due

English: Unit 3-Verb
We will be starting verbs next!

Reading: Informational Text:Novel Study

*This weekend the students' have Day 4 assignment on their sheet.

I need your help until the end of the year!
Please have them read their assignment to you or have them tell you what they read each night.
Next, they should complete their sheet assignment. 
Expect reading homework and a sheet each night for homework.
Please help out and check their sheet each night.  
Thanks for your help and support!!!

Social Studies: Chapter 10 -Forming a New Government
**Your child is required to recite their preamble and write it.  Start practicing now.
Lesson 1-A Weak Government
Lesson 2-Debate in Philadelphia
Lesson 3-Ratifying the Constitution

**Know the Preamble and the 3 Branches of Government and their responsibilities!!!
Test will be Wed., May 15th!

Science: Chapter 11-Weather
We will learn:
Lesson 1
What Causes Weather?
Lesson 2
What Conditions Affect the Water Cycle?
Lesson 3
How can Patterns in Weather Be Observed?

**Be able to label the water cycle. 
Test will be Tues. May 14th!

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 14-Fractions
We will start Chapter 15 next! 
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions!

Ch. 14 quiz on Mon., May 13th!
Review notes on Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers!

Have a super weekend!

Friday, May 3, 2013

May 6-10

Dates to remember:
Thurs., May16-5th grade to LV for musical
Fri., May 17th-Early Dismissal
Mon. May 20-Visit Lakeview
Wed., June 5th-Last Day of School-1 Hour

Spelling:Lesson 29
Thursday-Assigned homework due

English: Adjectives
We will be starting adjectives next.
We will be:
*reviewing what an adjective is
*articles and demonstratives
*compare adjectives
*compare with good and bad
*proper adjectives
*applying it to our writing
Thursday, May 9th-Adjective TEST

Reading: Informational Text:Novel Study

Dates to remember:

Tues., April 30-MAPS testing
Thurs., May 2-MAPS testing
Fri., May 17th-Early Dismissal
Wed., June 5th-Last Day of School-1 Hour

Spelling:Lesson 28
Thursday-Assigned homework due

English: Adjectives
We will be starting adjectives next.
We will be:
*reviewing what an adjective is
*articles and demonstratives
*compare adjectives
*compare with good and bad
*proper adjectives
*applying it to our writing

Reading: Informational Text:Novel Study

I need your help until the end of the year!
The students received their novels.  Please have them read their assignment to you or have them tell you what they read each night.
Next, they should complete their sheet assignment. 
Expect reading homework and a sheet each night for homework.
Please help out and check their sheet each night.  
Thanks for your help and support!!!

Social Studies: Chapter 10 -Forming a New Government
**Your child is required to recite their preamble and write it.  Start practicing now.
Lesson 1-A Weak Government
Lesson 2-Debate in Philadelphia
Lesson 3-Ratifying the Constitution

Never to early to start reviewing notes!!
Test will be Tues., May 14th!

Science: Chapter 11-Weather
We will learn:
Lesson 1
What Causes Weather?
Lesson 2
What Conditions Affect the Water Cycle?
Lesson 3
How can Patterns in Weather Be Observed?

Never too early to start reviewing notes!!
Test will be Mon., May 13th!

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 14-Fractions
We will start Chapter 14 next! 
Adding and Subtracting of Mixed Numbers!

Ch. 13 quiz on Mon., May 6th!
Review notes

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...