Sunday, November 19, 2017

For the weeks of November 20th and November 27th


Image result for happy thanksgiving


Important Dates:
November 17 End of Trimester
November 20- Scholastic book orders due
November 22-27 Thanksgiving Break

Can you guess which turkey your child made?

Reading We will finish up with the biography of Gloria Estefan.  There will be an open book quiz on Monday. The students will also be writing a newspaper article called "A Star with a Heart."  The following week  the students will be introduced to the world of mythology.  The first myth they will read is The Myth of Hercules. They will compare and contrast their views of a hero and evaluate whether or not they feel that Hercules has the traits to consider him a hero.

English:  The unit 5 English test is Tuesday.  We will also continue to work on writing skills this week and share our Turkey stories.

Spelling:   No spelling this week. Unit 13  the following week will focus on Homographs. Homographs are words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings.  

Social Studies: We will continue our study of the Southeast. We will learn how the Southeast is rich in different resources.  These resources are used in different industries throughout the region. The chapter 6 test is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, November 30th.

Science:  We will continue a unit on  Life Cycles of Plants and Animals.  We will learn the stages in a plants life cycle and how plants reproduce. The students will be creating a diagram of the Life Cycle of a Plant.

Mrs. Spakausky's and Mrs. Krasnodebski's Math Class:  The Unit 2 test will be on Tuesday.  A review packet was sent home on Friday and is due tomorrow.

We will begin unit 3 after Thanksgiving break. The students will review fraction skills and concepts and extend their understandings to mixed numbers, improper fractions and more sophisticated strategies for generating equivalent fractions.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Nov. 13-17

Image result for thanksgiving is coming

Important Dates:
November 17 End of Trimester
November 22-27 Thanksgiving Break

Reading:  We will continue our Courage theme with the biography of Gloria Estefan. The students have been busy learning how to answer text dependent questions.  We have been focusing on how to turn the question around and support the evidence with information from the text. 

Time For KidsPlease review the quiz that your child took last week.  I will not take this first one for a grade, since a majority of the student did not do very well.  Sign the quiz and return.  Thank you.

English:  The Unit 5 English Test will be Friday.  Review the papers in the English pocket and the end of Unit review in the English book.

Spelling:   Unit 12 - Homophones
 A homophone is a word that sounds like another word, but has a different spelling and meaning, for example,  bear and bare.  The final test for the homophone lesson will be on Friday, 11/17.

Social Studies: We will continue our study of the Southeast. We will  learn how the mild climates of the Southeast bring many tourists, but the area has some natural hazards. We will also read and learn how the Southeast is rich in different resources.  These resources are used in different industries throughout the region.

Science:  We will begin a new unit on  Life Cycles of Plants and Animals.  This week we will conduct an experiment to find out if seeds need light to sprout.  We will be placing radish seeds in damp sponges. One pan will be placed in the light and another in the dark. The students will write a hypothesis on whether the seeds will need light to sprout.

Mrs. Spakausky and Mrs. Krasnodebski's Math Class:.   There will be a Unit 2 test on Tuesday, 11/21. The students will be given a practice test on Friday to help prepare for the test. We will review on Monday.  

After Thanksgiving, We will begin unit 3. The students will review fraction skills and concepts and extend their understandings to mixed numbers, improper fractions and more sophisticated strategies for generating equivalent fractions.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Halloween Party Pics and PRIDE pics

Halloween 2017

Congrats Aili for being selected for October 
PRIDE! for Positive Attitude!

Congrats, Charley for winning the candy corn guess!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Nov. 6-10, 2017

Mrs. Spakausky's Kids relaxing with the dogs.

Comfortable Cafeteria
We had some "guests" join in for lunch!!!

Important Dates:
November 17 End of Trimester

Our class would like to thank all the parents that helped out with the Halloween Party in ANY way!!!  The students had a BLAST with the games and LOVED the snacks that were brought in.  Thanks for making some great memories for our kids!!!

Kid with a Cape on the Go! - We've gotten some response from students with pictures of themselves spreading kindness. This initiative was the result of a visit from the author of A Girl with a Cape,  Amy Logan.  Her message to us was that WE ALL CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE by spreading kindness. Students can take a picture of  spreading kindness, with or without their "Kid with a Cape." A photo, drawing, or a written paragraph of the student and the event are alternative activities that can be turned in to the teacher. While this is optional, students have had fun posing with his/her "Kid!

Reading:  We will  begin to read and work with a story about the singer, Gloria Estefan. We will focus on close reading, text-dependent questions, vocabulary and the concept of making judgments.

English:  We will complete a unit on Capitalization and Punctuation. This week's focus will be on Titles and Quotation Marks,  and Commas. 

Spelling:  Unit 11 will focus on the vowel letters e and i.  They can be combined in 2 ways: ie and ei.  Usually, ei has the long a sound and the ie has the long e sound.  The rule generally is "i before e except after c or when sounded like a as in neighbor and weigh. "  The students will also practice using the context of a sentence to understand the meanings of words. The test will be on Friday, November 10th.

Science-The test will be on Monday, Nov. 6th.  Please study the guide that was sent home.  Ch. 1, Lesson 3 only.

Social Studies: We will begin our study of the Southeast. The students will learn the Southeast states and label them on a map. The map of the Southeast will be given on Monday, 11/6.  The quiz will be on Monday, Nov. 13th.  Then we will then continue our study of the Southeast. We will learn about the major landforms in the Southeast.  We will then compare and contrast landform elevations. We will alsolearn how barrier islands are formed.

Mrs.K's and Mrs. Spakausky's math class:   
 In math this week we will continue Unit Two, Module Three, Multiplication Stories and Strategies. Students investigate the effect of doubling and halving factors in multiplication combinations. The students should also be practicing their multiplication facts nightly.  Next, we are working on division with remainders.  The students will learn how to divide a 2-digit number by a one digit number with remainders.

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...