Sunday, March 31, 2019

April 1-5

Image result for April fool images

Coming up:
4/10 - 4/19 - 4th Grade IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) Testing
Thurs 4/18 - Early Dismissal 11:00am - Spirit Day (Baseball season is here! Wear your favorite baseball team shirt.)
Fri 4/19 - No School (Non-Attendance Day) & Midterm of 3rd trimester
Wed 4/24 - PV Spring Open House & Book Fair

A visit from Tom Watson, author of Stick Dog and Stick Cat books!

A "Write-Around" Activity with ELA and Edward Tulane---

Group Thinking!
Great Ideas!

Spelling -  Unit 24 - Greek & Latin Roots
This week's words each contain the root "auto", "homo", "tract" or "phobia". We will study the meaning of these roots and how to determine the meaning of a word that contains them. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 4/5.

Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

As our novel study continues, we will read chapters 11-14 and answer text-dependent questions and responses related to those chapters.

We will also spend time preparing for the Illinois Assessment of Readiness test (the new PARCC) which is scheduled for the weeks of 4/8 and 4/15.

Social Studies - "People of the Southwest"
Students will be studying the people of the SW. 

Science - Energy Conversions
Building and analyzing failing electrical systems will be the topic in science this week.

Mrs. Spakausky and Mr. Kowalsky's Math Class:
Module 1
Multiplication & Division Strategies
Unit 6 opens with a review of some of the division strategies students developed earlier in the year. Students then solve and discuss a set of division problems that move beyond the basic facts. Sessions 3 and 4 focus on multiplication strategies, while Sessions 5 and 6 bring multiplication and division together as students discover that they can use the same models for both operations. The
module ends with an emphasis on the importance of choosing strategies based on the numbers involved in the problems.

Session 1 Unit 6 Pre-Assessment
Session 2 Larger Division with Money
Session 3 Discussing Larger Division with Money
Session 4 More Multiplication Strategies
Session 5 Modeling Multiplication & Division, Part 1
Session 6 Modeling Multiplication & Division, Part 2
Session 7 Revisiting the Doubling & Halving Strategy 

Saturday, March 16, 2019

March 18-22

Image result for st patrick's day 2019

A Look Ahead:

Mon 3/18 - PV Roller Skating Party
Mon 3/18 - Book orders & payment due for 3/20 author visit-author of the stick dog and cat books.
Tues. 3/19-Museum of Science and Industry Trip
Wed 3/20 - Author, Tom Watson, visits PV during the school day
Fri 3/22 - PE classes celebrate Kids Heart Challenge
Mon 3/25 - Fri 3/29 - No School (Spring Break)
Thurs 4/18 - Early Dismissal 11:00am - Spirit Day (Baseball season is here! Wear your favorite baseball team shirt.)
Fri 4/19 - No School (Non-Attendance Day) & Midterm of 3rd trimester
Wed 4/24 - PV Spring Open House & Book Fair

Pictures of our Social Studies Break-Out

Reading with our Preschool Reading Buddies

Congratulations to our students who received 
Straight A's for  the 2nd Trimester!!!

Leprechaun Traps... Who will catch a leprechaun this weekend???

Spelling - No Spelling this week :)

Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
We will continue to read our novel while focusing on how to answer text-dependent questions and open responses. Thank you for reading and signing the reading log, when they come home.  
The quizzes are looking much better!!!

Social Studies - Midwest People
We will be presenting our Look Book for a state in the Midwest next week.  Many students are finished but some may need to work on it at home over the weekend.
The Ch 8/9 test on the MIDWEST will be on 3/21!

Science - Energy Conversions
We will continue to study about energy.
How does energy get to the devices all over Ergstown?
We will learn more about Blackouts and system failures.

Mrs. Spakausky and Mr. Kowalsky's Math Class-Unit 5-Geometry and Measurement
Module 1
Measuring Angles
Session 1 Unit 5 Pre-Assessment
Session 2 Introducing Angles
Session 3 Benchmark Angles
Session 4 Angle Puzzles
Session 5 Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland
Session 6 From Pattern Blocks to Protractors

Module 2 Polygons & Symmetry
Session 1 Introducing Parallel & Perpendicular Lines
Session 2 Parallels, Perpendiculars & Angles
Session 3 Line Symmetry
Session 4 Polygon Detectives
Session 5 Polygon Riddles
Session 6 Polygon Bingo

Module 3
Area & Perimeter
Session 1 Measuring Area
Session 2 Measuring Perimeter
Session 3 Area & Perimeter Formulas
Session 4 Hexarights

Module 4
Angles in Motion
Session 1 Human Angles
Session 2 Geometry Measurement Problems
Session 3 Geometry Measurement Problems Forum
Session 4 Unit 5 Post-Assessment
The TEST will most likely be on Thursday, March 21st!

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...