Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 28- May 2, 2014

Coming up next:
Thursday, May 1-Open House/Book Fair-Come visit our classroom and see all the great things we have been doing.
Wednesday, May 7th-Science and Industry Field Trip
Friday, May 16th-Early Dismissal 11AM

Spelling:  Lesson 27
Lesson 27-WB pages 120-122 due on Friday!
Test on Friday!

English: Unit 4-Adjectives
We will cover:

L. 1-What is an adjective and writing with adjectives
L. 2-Articles and Demonstratives
L. 3--Comparing with Adjectives
L. 4-Comparing with good and bad
L. 5-Proper Adjectives

Test on Unit 4-Adjectives-Tuesday, April 



We will do an extensive unit on China.  Our next unit will cover the topic of plagiarism vs paraphrasing.  This will help when we do our research project on China!

Does your child have anything to share on China?  Do they have any artifacts for our "museum?"  If so, have them bring them in.

Social Studies: Chapter 8-

Chapter 8-"The Road to War"

We will learn about:

Lesson 1-Trouble over Taxes  (British taxes led to greater cooperation among colonies and Patrick Henry was honest and spoke out against King George III and Britain)

Lesson 2-The Colonists Rebel  (Events in Boston brought Britain and the colonies closer to war.  George Watching learned about hard work, commitment, and leadership while working as a surveyor as a young man.  Primary sources can be used to study how people lived and how they felt about important events in their time).

Lesson 3-The Revolution Begins  (The American Revolution began with the battles at Lexington and Concord)

Science: Ch. 12---Earth's Oceans
We have started to learn about ocean in science. 

 Interesting websites:
http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocean/ and  http://www.neok12.com/Oceans.htm

Bonus points:  Look at the websites above and write down 3-5 interesting facts that you DID NOT know about the ocean.  Turn it in by Friday, April 25th for 5 bonus points.

Lesson 1-What are the Oceans Like?
Lesson 2-How Does Ocean Water Move?
Lesson 3-What Force Shape Shorelines?

Review the vocabulary and reread the lessons as we go.  

Wed., April 30th-Ch. 12 TEST on Oceans!

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class:  CH. 9-- Adding and Subtracting FRACTIONS----

Chapter 9:
L. 1 Round Fractions
L. 2 Adding Like Fractions
L. 3 Subtracting Like Fractions
L. 4 Adding Unlike Fractions
L. 5 Adding Unlike Fractions
L. 6 Subtract Unlike Fractions
L. 7 Subtract Unlike Fractions
L. 8 Determine a Reasonable Answer
L. 9 Estimating Sums and Differences
L. 10 Adding Mixed Numbers
L. 11 Adding Mixed Numbers
L. 12 Sub Mixed Numbers
L. 13 Subtract with Renaming

Help your child review adding and subtracting fractions!!!

TGFD's Pics

TGFD's Graduation Pictures

5th grade-Illinois Principal's Breakfast Winners!!!
Congrats on being chosen for your all around 
good character!


Friday, April 11, 2014

April 14-18, 2014

Role playing -"The King's Taxes"
What did the King tax us on?
Was it fair?
How much "gold" were you left with after the activity?
What did you learn from this social studies activity?

Learning about OCEANS in science.
What is salinity?
What did I learn from this activity?
Ask your child to tell you about their ocean floor collage.  Have them tell you about the ocean floor labels.

An experiment you can do at home on salinity.

A visit from Kodi, the Prairieview sponsored 
therapy dog!

Coming up next:

Mon., April 14-BOOK PROJECTS due-What is your child doing for their project???
Thurs., April 17th-Early Dismissal
Thurs., April 17th-TGFD's Graduation in gym 8:30AM--Save the Date!!!  Too Good For Drug 5th grade graduation will be in the gym on Thursday, April 17th from 8:30-9:30AM.  The students have learned a lot during this great TGFD's program.  Please come celebrate our promise to LIVE DRUG FREE!!!---Be sure your child dresses nicely!!!

Fri., April 18th-NO SCHOOL!

Spelling:  Lesson 25
Lesson 25-WB pages 91-93 due on Thursday, 4/17!
Test on Thursdaym 4/17!
(No School on Friday)

English: Unit 4-Adjectives
We will cover:

L. 1-What is an adjective and writing with adjectives
L. 2-Articles and Demonstratives
L. 3--Comparing with Adjectives
L. 4-Comparing with good and bad
L. 5-Proper Adjectives

Test on Unit 4-Adjectives


We will do an extensive unit on China.  Our next unit will cover the topic of plagiarism vs paraphrasing.  This will help when we do our research project on China!

Does your child have anything to share on China?  Do they have any artifacts for our "museum?"  If so, have them bring them in.

Social Studies: Chapter 8-

Chapter 8-"The Road to War"

We will learn about:

Lesson 1-Trouble over Taxes  (British taxes led to greater cooperation among colonies and Patrick Henry was honest and spoke out against King George III and Britain)

Lesson 2-The Colonists Rebel  (Events in Boston brought Britain and the colonies closer to war.  George Watching learned about hard work, commitment, and leadership while working as a surveyor as a young man.  Primary sources can be used to study how people lived and how they felt about important events in their time).

Lesson 3-The Revolution Begins  (The American Revolution began with the battles at Lexington and Concord)

Jr. Achievement-

This Friday the students will start Jr. Achievement.  Mr. Blocker will be here for the next 5 Fridays to "develop the skills the students need to experience the realities and opportunities of work and entrepreneurship in the 21st-century global marketplace. The program fosters work-readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills, and use experiential learning to inspire students to dream big and reach their potential." Welcome, Mr. Blocker!!!

Science: Ch. 12---Earth's Oceans
We have started to learn about ocean in science. 

 Interesting websites:
http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocean/ and  http://www.neok12.com/Oceans.htm

Bonus points:  Look at the websites above and write down 3-5 interesting facts that you DID NOT know about the ocean.  Turn it in by Friday, April 25th for 5 bonus points.

Lesson 1-What are the Oceans Like?
Lesson 2-How Does Ocean Water Move?
Lesson 3-What Force Shape Shorelines?

Review the vocabulary and reread the lessons as we go.  

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class:  CH. 8-- FRACTIONS----

Chapter 8: Fractions and Decimals
L. 1 Fractions and Division
L. 2 Greatest Common Factors (GCF)
L. 3 Simplest Form
L. 4 Problem-Solving: Guess, Check and Revise
L. 5 Least Common Multiple (LCM)
L. 6 Compare Fractions
L. 7 Models and Fractions
L. 8 Write Fractions as Decimals
Chapter 8 Test on Wed., April 16th!
No math on Thursday!
Help your child review comparing fractions!!!

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; https://photos.app.goo.gl/GqsU1Pz2ytZoHicb6 SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...