Friday, October 26, 2012

October 29-November 2

Happy Halloween-Wednesday-
Students may bring their costume to school on Wednesday. The costume might need to be simplified for school purposes since students need to be able to change in a short amount of time. Changing will take place in the classrooms. The fifth grade will have designated classrooms for girls to change in and for boys. Washrooms will not be available for costume changing.
No weapons, even fake, are allowed at school.

Give us YOUR recycled paper---
Did you know that you can help our district earn money by recycling paper here at school?  You can bring in any paper (no cardboard please) to the green and yellow bin marked Paper Retriever located in Lakeview's parking lot to be recycled.  The more paper we collect, the more money we can earn.  The provider of the bin uses the paper to make newsprint, which is then sold to other companies.  That is how we are paid to recycle paper.  Than you for your help (and for helping the environment at the same time!)

The Late Policy for 2nd Quarter =
1 day late - minus 15 %
                                                More than 1 day late until unit test is taken - minus 25%
                                                After unit test is taken - a zero in the grade book

Mon., 10/29-Conferences
Tues., 10/30-Conferences

Wed.,10/31-Halloween Parade 1:00 and Parties follow

Good Basket donations----Thanks to ____________ for donating this week. (items or monetary donations excepted)
Coming up this week:

Spelling: Lesson 9:
Homework due Thursday
Test Friday

English: Chapter 5-"Capitalization and Punctuation"
We will be studying:
*Correct Sentences
*Proper Nouns and Adjectives
*Commas in a Series

Reading: Drawing Conclusions and Analogies
We will begin learning about how to draw conclusions as we read.  The first story we will read is called, "A Boy Called Slow."  This story is in our anthology. 
The students brought home their reading book this weekend, so they could reread the story with you and add some post-it notes to each page to summarize what happened.

We will also do some mini-lessons on analogies.

Social Studies: Chapter 5-"The Struggle to Found Colonies"
We will learn about :
Lesson 1-"Hard Times in Virginia"-Jamestown and how colonies survived
Lesson 2-"New European Colonies"-Searching for the Northwest Passage
Lesson 3-"The First Colonies"-New England Colonies
Lesson 4-"The 13 Colonies"-William Penn and Roger Williams

Science: Chapter 5-Energy and Ecosystems
Lesson 1:  How Do Plants Produce Food?
Lesson 2:  How is Energy Passed Through an Ecosystem?

Chapter 5-Science Test will be on Monday, Oct. 29th!

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 5-Decimals
The next chapter is on decimals.  It is a short chapter, so the test will be on Wed., Oct. 31st.

Chapter 3 -Math Test on Division---Wednesday. October 24th!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Quarter Book Projects
(pamphlets and interviews)

Great job, 5th graders!!!

Thurs., 10/25-PV Early Dismissal 11:00AM
Fri., 10/26-First Quarter Ends
Mon., 10/29-Conferences
Tues., 10/30-Conferences
Wed.,10/31-Halloween Parade 1:00 and Parties follow

Good Basket donations----Thanks to ____________ for donating this week. (items or monetary donations excepted)
Coming up this week:

Spelling: Lesson 8:
Homework due Thursday
Test Friday

English: Chapter 5-"Capitalization and Punctuation"
We will be studying:
*Correct Sentences
*Proper Nouns and Adjectives
*Commas in a Series
English-Unit 5 test will be on Friday, Nov. 2nd!

Reading: Drawing Conclusions and Analogies
We will begin learning about how to draw conclusions as we read.  The first story we will read is called, "A Boy Called Slow."  This story is in our anthology.

We will also do some mini-lessons on analogies.

Social Studies: Chapter 5-"The Struggle to Found Colonies"
We will learn about :
Lesson 1-"Hard Times in Virginia"-Jamestown and how colonies survived
Lesson 2-"New European Colonies"-Searching for the Northwest Passage
Lesson 3-"The First Colonies"-New England Colonies
Lesson 4-"The 13 Colonies"-William Penn and Roger Williams

Science: Chapter 5-Energy and Ecosystems
Lesson 1:  How Do Plants Produce Food?
Lesson 2:  How is Energy Passed Through an Ecosystem?

Chapter 5-Science Test will be on Friday, October 26th!

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 3-Divide by 1 and 2 Digit Divisors
Lesson 1-Estimate with 1 Digit Divisors
Lesson 2-Divide by 1 Digit Divisors
Lesson 3-Interpreting the Remainder
Lesson 4-Zeros in Division
Lesson 5-Patterns in Division
Lesson 6-Estimate with 2 Digit Divisors
Lesson 7-Divide by 2 Digit Divisors
Lesson 8-Correcting Quotients
Lesson 9-Practice Division

Chapter 3 -Math Test on Division---Wednesday. October 24th!

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 15-19

Students working weaving Halloween Pumpkins!


Wed. 10/17-Book Project-Pamphlet or Interview due today.
Thurs., 10/18-Bookfair-6:30-8:00
Thurs., 10/25-PV Early Dismissal 11:00AM
Fri., 10/26-First Quarter Ends
Mon., 10/29-Conferences
Tues., 10/30-Conferences
Wed.,10/31-Halloween Parade 1:00 and Parties follow

Dear Parents,
The fifth grade teachers would like help in organizing their classroom libraries in a different way. We would like to label each book with its lexile score so that students can make better choices for independent reading. Selecting books at appropriate lexile levels will help students increase fluency and comprehension while reading books that are of high-interest to them. Please contact me if you are interested.
The 5th grade teachers

Coming up this week:

Spelling: Lesson 7:
Homework due Thursday
Test Friday

English: Chapter 5-"Capitalization and Punctuation"
We will be studying:
*Correct Sentences
*Proper Nouns and Adjectives
*Commas in a Series

Reading: Informational Text
This is our last week for informational text in reading.  We will end with a story on volcanoes.  The student will be filling out a category chart with a partner.

We will also be presenting our brochures and/or interviews on Wednesday.

Social Studies: Chapter 5-"The Struggle to Found Colonies"
We will learn about :
Lesson 1-"Hard Times in Virginia"-Jamestown and how colonies survived
Lesson 2-"New European Colonies"-Searching for the Northwest Passage
Lesson 3-"The First Colonies"-New England Colonies
Lesson 4-"The 13 Colonies"-William Penn and Roger Williams

Science: Chapter 5-Energy and Ecosystems
Lesson 1:  How Do Plants Produce Food?
Lesson 2:  How is Energy Passed Through an Ecosystem?

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 3-Divide by 1 and 2 Digit Divisors
Lesson 1-Estimate with 1 Digit Divisors
Lesson 2-Divide by 1 Digit Divisors
Lesson 3-Interpreting the Remainder
Lesson 4-Zeros in Division
Lesson 5-Patterns in Division
Lesson 6-Estimate with 2 Digit Divisors
Lesson 7-Divide by 2 Digit Divisors
Lesson 8-Correcting Quotients
Lesson 9-Practice Division

Students explaining their informational text posters on storms.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 8-12

 Goody Basket Donations were a big hit this week!
Thanks for the monetary donation, so I could splurge at the Dollar Store, Tino!

We met with our Preschool "Reading Buddies" this week!
Ask your child who their reading buddy is.
What fun!!!

Fri., 10/5-Book Project summaries are due-typed
Mon., 10/8-NO SCHOOL-Columbus Day
Wed. 10/17-Book Project-Pamphlet or Interview due today.
Thurs., 10/18-Bookfair-6:30-8:00
Thurs., 10/25-PV Early Dismissal 11:00AM
Fri., 10/26-First Quarter Ends
Mon., 10/29-Conferences
Tues., 10/30-Conferences
Wed.,10/31-Halloween Parade 1:00 and Parties follow

Dear Parents,
The fifth grade teachers would like help in organizing their classroom libraries in a different way. We would like to label each book with its lexile score so that students can make better choices for independent reading. Selecting books at appropriate lexile levels will help students increase fluency and comprehension while reading books that are of high-interest to them. Please contact me if you are interested.
The 5th grade teachers

Coming up this week:

Spelling: Lesson 6:
Homework due Thursday
Test Friday

English: Chapter 5-"Capitalization and Punctuation"
We will be studying:
*Correct Sentences
*Proper Nouns and Adjectives
*Commas in a Series

Reading: Informational Text
Non-fiction, informational texts tell the reader a lot about a topic. The author can set up the text in different ways.  We will continue to learn about text organization and read about waves and volcanoes next. We will practice summarizing and using the context to identify the main idea of our text.

Social Studies: Chapter 4-"Spain Builds an Empire"
Chapter 4 test is Friday, October 5th!

Next, we will go to Chapter 5-"The Struggle to Found Colonies"
We will learn about :
Lesson 1-"Hard Times in Virginia"-Jamestown and how colonies survived
Lesson 2-"New European Colonies"-Searching for the Northwest Passage
Lesson 3-"The First Colonies"-New England Colonies
Lesson 4-"The 13 Colonies"-William Penn and Roger Williams

Science: Chapter 5-Energy and Ecosystems
Lesson 1:  How Do Plants Produce Food?
Lesson 2:  How is Energy Passed Through an Ecosystem?

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class: Chapter 3-Divide by 1 and 2 Digit Divisors
Lesson 1-Estimate with 1 Digit Divisors
Lesson 2-Divide by 1 Digit Divisors
Lesson 3-Interpreting the Remainder
Lesson 4-Zeros in Division
Lesson 5-Patterns in Division
Lesson 6-Estimate with 2 Digit Divisors
Lesson 7-Divide by 2 Digit Divisors
Lesson 8-Correcting Quotients
Lesson 9-Practice Division

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...