Sunday, April 8, 2018

April 9-13

Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a relaxing spring break, no matter what you did.  Here are some pictures of students' spring break.  Remember to share any pictures that you have and I will post them next time.
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Working Cooperatively - Geometry!

Congrats to our Straight A's - sor far this year !!!

Mrs. Spakausky's Spring Break!
Keystone, Breckenridge and Vail, Colorado

The students will be taking the PARCC tests this week and next. All tests will be taken first thing in the morning. Please remind your child to make sure their Chromebooks are charged and headphones/earbuds are brought to school each day.  Thank you!

Important Dates:
Mon, April 9th- ELA PARCC  Test
Tues, April 10th - ELA PARCC  Test
Wed,. April 11th- ELA PARCC  Test
Fri. April 13th- Math PARCC Test

Reading:   The students will continue to read The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane. This week's journal response will ask How is Edward beginning to change?  We will also continue to work on vocabulary slides.

Time For Kids: There will be a Time For Kids  quiz on Monday, 4/16.

Spelling:  There will not be spelling this week.

Social Studies:   We will continue our study of the Southwest. 

Science:  We will be having a Marshmallow Catapult contest and the students will be getting more information on this Monday.

Mrs. Spakausky's and Mrs. K.'s Math Class:  No Math on Monday.  Then we will complete Unit Five Geometry and Measurement.  The unit test is Wednesday, April 11th.  A practice test was sent home on Friday, 4/6. This will help the students prepare for the test.

Next, we will begin Unit 6, Multiplication, Division, Data and Fractions. This unit will focus on multiplying  a 2 or 3-digit whole number by a 1-digit whole number and two 2-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. The students will learn how to use equations or rectangular arrays to explain strategies for multiplying with multi-digit numbers.

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...