Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 14-18, 2019

TeamWork Activity during our 
SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Time

Our Last Mythology Projects were Presented!

December PRIDE AWARD Winner!  
Congratulation on your IMPROVEMENT Award!

A Look Ahead:
Wed., 1/16-Students in fourth grade will take the reading MAP test in homeroom.
 Thurs., 1/17-Math MAP test in their math classroom on Thursday, 1/17. 
Please see that your child comes to school well rested and with a fully charged 
Chromebook on those days. Thank you!
Fri 1/18 - Midterm of second trimester
Mon 1/21 - Martin Luther King Jr Day - No School
Thurs 1/31 - SIP Day - Early dismissal 11:00am
Thurs 2/14 - Valentine's Classroom Parties 1:30-2:15pm
Fri 2/15 - No School (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
Mon 2/18 - No School (President's Day)
Thurs 2/21 - Spring Picture Day

Spelling -  Unit 15 - Greek Roots
This week's list includes words with Greek roots. Students will study the meaning of the roots audi, bio, geo, ology, meter and thermo, and words that contain them. The final TEST for this lesson will be on Friday, 1/18.

Quizlets for Practice

ELA / Reading - Unit 1 - Courage
Students have been working on their "Profiles in Courage" Project for a week.  We will have Monday and Tuesday to finish things up and make notecards for the presentation.  Students will present their projects on  Wed., 1/16 and Thurs., 1/17. Please have your child share and practice what they have done so far.  Make sure they are referring to the example on CLASSROOM, with questions, and to the rubric to see how they will be assessed.

Social Studies - The Midwest
We will be studying the Midwest next.  The students will first learn the states of the Midwest and have a quiz on the states and bodies of water, Tuesday, 1/22.

Science - Energy Conversions
Investigating energy sources is our topic for the week. Students will complete a simulation that looks at types of energy sources and how they are used.

Mrs. Spakausky's Math Class -Unit Four Addition and Subtraction. 
The students will continue to focus on addition strategies and then move on to subtraction.  We will also focus on problem-solving strategies.
Module 2:The Standard Subtraction Algorithm
Session 1 Removal vs. Differencing 
Session 2 Constant Difference 
Session 3 The Standard Algorithm for Multi‑Digit Subtraction
Session 4 Think Before You Subtract 
Session 5 Comparing Subtraction Strategies 

Partner Work on Math

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...