Monday, January 20, 2020

Jan. 20-24

Congrats to Eliana and Moxi for winning our class spelling bee.  They will be participating in the 4th grade level bee on 
Monday, 1/27!  Good Luck!

Coming Up:
  • W. 1/29 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
  • Th. 1/30 - Museum of Science & Industry Field Trip
  • W. 2/19-Prairieview McTeacher Night at McDonald's in Darien on February 19.

Spelling -  None
There will be no spelling lesson due to the short week.

Reading - Unit 1 - "Courage"
The Greek Mythology Project will be worked on this whole week during our ELA block.  The project will be due next week on Friday, Jan. 31st!  Students will present their projects that day. It's been a pleasure to see their excitement over this project. I'm looking forward to seeing their final products.

Time for Kids - We will be reading an issue of this magazine that reviews the events of 2019. Students will reread the magazine at home to prepare for related activities during the week of 1/27.

English - Explanatory Writing
Work will continue on the explanatory essays.

Social Studies - The Midwest
The Midwest map QUIZ is scheduled for Monday, 1/27.  

Science - Energy Conversions
During our last lesson, we made the claim that something went wrong with the electrical system and that’s why the blackout occurred.  This week we will study about energy converters.  To better understand what happened with the electrical system, we are going to investigate the electrical devices that are part of the system.  The essential question for this chapter is: What makes the devices in Ergstown output energy or fail to output energy?

Spakausky's Scoop Oct. 16th

To see more pictures go to our Google Pic link; SEL Update: There will not be a formal Second St...